Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction of the concepts of crystal lattice, unit and primitive cells, crystal systems, Miller indices, fractional coordinates, equivalent positions. Operating principles of x-ray devices.
Lab Exercise 1: Analysis of a polychromatic X-ray beam using a single crystal wavelength analyzer and implementing Braggs law. Identification of the wavelength and energy of the emitted X-ray photons. Calculation of mass density from crystallographic data.
Lab Exercise 2: Identification of unit cell of unknown materials based on XRD data. Calculation of unit cell size and of the number of lattice positions in the cell. Experimental verification of correct cell. Finding of ionic radii of the constituents of an unknown ionic crystal from XRD data.
Lab Exercise 3: Experimental X-ray methods for the study of polycrystalline (powder) materials. The Debye-Scherrer method. Indexing Debye diagrams. Identifiication of the crystal structure of known and unknown powder samples.
Lab Exercise 4: Experimental X-ray methods for the study of amorphous and nanocrystalline materials. The Bragg-Brentano Method. Identification and indexing Bragg-Brentano diagrams. Calculation of average grain size in nanocrystalline materials.
Lab Exercise 5: Phase diagrams with a eutectic point. Solid solutions. Cooling curves. Construction of the phase diagram of Sn-Zn.
X-ray diffraction, bragg law, Crystal strueture, Crystal Systems
Additional bibliography for study
B.D. Cullity & S.R. Stock, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River (2001)
X-Ray Diffraction: A Practical Approach, C. Suryanarayana & M. Grant Norton, Plenum Press, New York (1998)