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Curriculum Vitae
Panagiotis Patsalas
Professor, School of Physics
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Δομή της Ύλης − Σύνθεση και Χαρακτηρισμός Υλικών Υψηλής Τεχνολογίας
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Φυσικές επιστήμες
Μηχανική και μεταλλουργία
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Φυσικής / Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Φυσικής / Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2018–19 academic year
Structure of Materials Laboratory
Courses of Spring semester of 2018–19 academic year
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
Metaxa Chrysoula. "Οπτικές Ιδιότητες μεταλλοδιηλεκτρικών νανασυνθέτων"
Prouskas Konstantinos. "Εναλλακτικές Γεωμετρίες για Συστοιχίες Φωτοβολταϊκών Λεπτών Υμενίων Υψηλής Απόδοσης"
Fekas Ilias. "Ανάπτυξη και Φυσικές Ιδιότητες Υπερ-Μελανών Υλικών για Φωτοθερμικές Εφαρμογές", Εξειδίκευση σε:"Ανάπτυξη και Φυσικές Ιδιότητες Νανοδομημένων Υλικών με βάση τον άνθρακα για φωτοθερμικές και φωτονικές εφαρμογές"
Dellis Spilios. "Έλεγχος και χειραγώγιση φωταύγειας μέσω εντοπισμένων επιφανειακών πλασμονίων", Εξειδείκευση σε: "Ενίσχυση και τροποποίηση φωταύγειας με την χρήση μεταλλικών νανοδομών"
Pliatsikas Nikolaos. "Ανάπτυξη και αυτο-οργάνωση πλασμονικών σωματιδίων με εφαρμογές τους σε μοριακούς αισθητήρες", Συγγραφή στην αγγλική: "Development and self-assemply of plasmonic particles for applications in molecular sensors"
Tselekidou Despoina. "Σύνθεση και χαρακτηρισμός νανοσωματιδίων πυριτίου με τη μέθοδο αποδόμηση με laser"
Kotsis Theofanis. "Ανάπτυξη καταλυτών για παραγωγή νανοδομημένου γραφενίου"
Delli Evangelia. "Επίδραση της ανόπτησης με λέιζερ στο μέγεθος νανοσωματιδίων αργύρου εγκλεισμένων σε μήτρα AlN"
Research Projects
Φυσικο-Χημική Ανάλυση Υλικών
Φυσικο-Χημική Ανάλυση Υλικών (Φορείς εξωτερικού)
Journal Article
Petala Maria
Tsiridis Vasileios
Mintsouli I
Pliatsikas N
Spanos Th
Rebeyre P
Darakas Efthymios
Patsalas Panagiotis
Vourlias Georgios
Kostoglou Margaritis
Sotiropoulos Sotirios
, et al
Silver deposition on stainless steel container surfaces in contact with disinfectant silver aqueous solutions
Applied Surface Science
vol.396 p.1067-1075
Journal Article
Papaderakis A
Pliatsikas N
Prochaska Charikleia
Vourlias Georgios
Patsalas Panagiotis
Tsiplakides Dimitrios
Balomenou S
Sotiropoulos Sotirios
Oxygen Evolution at IrO2 Shell-Ir-Ni Core Electrodes Prepared by Galvanic Replacement
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
vol.120 no.36 p.19995-20005
Journal Article
Faber Hendrik
Lin Yen-Hung
Thomas Stuart R
Zhao Kui
Pliatsikas Nikos
McLachlan Martyn A
Amassian Aram
Patsalas Panagiotis
Anthopoulos Thomas D
Indium Oxide Thin-Film Transistors Processed at Low Temperature via Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
vol.7 no.1 p.782-790
Kassavetis Spyridonas
Kaziannis S
Pliatsikas N
Avgeropoulos A
Karantzalis A.E
Kosmidis C
Lidorikis E
Patsalas Panagiotis
Formation of plasmonic colloidal silver for flexible and printed electronics using laser ablation
Applied Surface Science
Nikolaou P
Mina C
Constantinou M
Koutsokeras L.E
Constantinides G
Lidorikis E
Avgeropoulos A
Kelires P.C
Patsalas Panagiotis
Functionally graded poly(dimethylsiloxane)/silver nanocomposites with tailored broadband optical absorption
Thin Solid Films
vol.581 no.C p.14-19
Patsalas Panagiotis
Kalfagiannis N
Kassavetis Spyridonas
Optical properties and plasmonic performance of titanium nitride
Materials (1996-1944)
vol. 8 no. 6
Peng Ying
Yaacobi-Gross Nir
Perumal Ajay K
Faber Hendrik A
Vourlias Georgios
Patsalas Panagiotis
Bradley Donal D. C
He Zhiqun
Anthopoulos Thomas D
Efficient organic solar cells using copper(I) iodide (CuI) hole transport layers
Applied Physics Letters
vol.106 no.24 p.243302
Petti Luisa
Faber Hendrik
Münzenrieder Niko
Cantarella Giuseppe
Patsalas Panagiotis
Tröster Gerhard
Anthopoulos Thomas D
Low-temperature spray-deposited indium oxide for flexible thin-film transistors and integrated circuits
Applied Physics Letters
vol.106 no.9 p.092105
Siozios A
Kalfagiannis N
Bellas D V
Bazioti C
Dimitrakopoulos Georgios
Vourlias Georgios
Cranton W M
Lidorikis E
Koutsogeorgis D C
Patsalas Panagiotis
Sub-surface laser nanostructuring in stratified metal/dielectric media: a versatile platform towards flexible, durable and large-scale plasmonic writing
vol.26 no.15
Siozios A
Koutsogeorgis D.C
Lidorikis E
Dimitrakopoulos Georgios
Pliatsikas N
Vourlias Georgios
Kechagias Thomas
Komninou Philomela
Cranton W
Kosmidis C
Patsalas Panagiotis
Laser-matter interactions, phase changes and diffusion phenomena during laser annealing of plasmonic AlN:Ag templates and their applications in optical encoding
Journal of Physics: D Applied Physics
Tzianaki E
Bakarezos M
Tsibidis G.D
Orphanos Y
Loukakos P.A
Kosmidis C
Patsalas Panagiotis
Tatarakis M
Papadogiannis N.A
High acoustic strains in Si through ultrafast laser excitation of Ti thin-film transducers
Optics Express
Conference Proceedings Article
Pliatsikas N
Simeonidis K
Vourlias Georgios
Mitrakas Manassis
Koutsogeorgis D
Patsalas Panagiotis
Sarakinos K
Kalfagiannis N
Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Composite Semiconducting/Plasmonic Materials: Towards Withholding of Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Solutions
2015 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit
2015 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit
Boston - USA
Pliatsikas N
Simeonidis K
Vourlias Georgios
Mitrakas Manassis
Koutsogeorgis D
Sarakinos K
Patsalas Panagiotis
Kalfagiannis N
Enhanced photocatalytic activity of composite semiconducting/plasmonic materials: towards withholding heavy metals ions from aqueous solutions
E-MRS 2015 Spring Meeting
E-MRS 2015 Spring Meeting
Lille - France
Journal Article
Bazioti C
Dimitrakopoulos Georgios
Kechagias Thomas
Komninou Philomela
Siozios A
Lidorikis E
Koutsogeorgis D.C
Patsalas Panagiotis
Influence of laser annealing on the structural properties of sputtered AlN:Ag plasmonic nanocomposites
Journal of Materials Science
Chaliampalias D
Andronis S
Pliatsikas N
Pavlidou Eleni
Tsipas D
Skolianos S
Chrissafis K
Stergioudis G
Patsalas Panagiotis
Vourlias Georgios
Formation and oxidation resistance of Al/Ni coatings on low carbon steel by flame spray
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.255 no.C p.62-68
Kalfagiannis N
Karagiannidis P.G
Pitsalidis C
Hastas N
Panagiotopoulos N.T
Patsalas Panagiotis
Logothetidis Stergios
Performance of hybrid buffer Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) layers doped with plasmonic silver nanoparticles
Thin Solid Films
vol.560 no.C p.27-33
Pliatsikas N
Siozios A
Kassavetis Spyridonas
Vourlias Georgios
Patsalas Panagiotis
Optical properties of nanostructured Al-rich Al1 - xTixN films
Surface & Coatings Technology
Siozios A
Zoubos H
Pliatsikas N
Koutsogeorgis D.C
Vourlias Georgios
Pavlidou Eleni
Cranton W
Patsalas Panagiotis
Growth and annealing strategies to control the microstructure of AlN:Ag nanocomposite films for plasmonic applications
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.255 no.C p.28-36
Stathokostopoulos D
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Stergioudis Georgios
Patsalas Panagiotis
Vourlias Georgios
Protection of Cu components with Mg and Al coatings deposited by pack cementation
Surface Engineering
Thomas Stuart R
Adamopoulos George
Lin Yen-Hung
Faber Hendrik
Sygellou Labrini
Stratakis Emmanuel
Pliatsikas Nikos
Patsalas Panagiotis
Anthopoulos Thomas D
High electron mobility thin-film transistors based on Ga2O3 grown by atmospheric ultrasonic spray pyrolysis at low temperatures
Applied Physics Letters
vol.105 no.9 p.092105
Tresintsi Sofia
Simeonidis Konstantinos
Pliatsikas N
Vourlias Georgios
Patsalas Panagiotis
Mitrakas Manassis
The role of sulfate surface distributioninarsenicremovalbyiron oxy-hydroxides
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
vol.213 p.145-151
Journal Article
Zoubos H
Koutsokeras L.E
Anagnostopoulos D.F
Lidorikis E
Kalogirou S.A
Wildes A.R
Kelires P.C
Patsalas Panagiotis
Broadband optical absorption of amorphous carbon/Ag nanocomposite films and its potential for solar harvesting applications
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells
Journal Article
Kalfagiannis N
Karagiannidis P. G
Pitsalidis C
Panagiotopoulos N. T
Gravalidis C
Kassavetis S
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Plasmonic silver nanoparticles for improved organic solar cells
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
vol.104 p.165-174
Karagkiozaki V
Karagiannidis P. G
Kalfagiannis N
Kavatzikidou P
Patsalas P
Georgiou D
Logothetidis S
Novel nanostructured biomaterials: implications for coronary stent thrombosis
International Journal of Nanomedicine
vol.7 p.6063-6076
Siozios A
Koutsogeorgis D. C
Lidorikis E
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias T
Zoubos H
Komninou P
Cranton W. M
Kosmidis C
Patsalas P
Optical encoding by plasmon-based patterning: Hard and inorganic materials become photosensitive
Nano Letters
vol.12 no.1 p.259-263
Conference Proceedings Article
Hasapis T. C
Stefanaki E. C
Siozios A
Hatzikraniotis E
Vourlias G
Patsalas P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Growth and characterization of thermoelectric Mg 2Si thin films
vol.1325 p.23-28
Hasapis Th C
Hatzikraniotis E
Stefanaki E. C
Vourlias G
Siozios A
Patsalas P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Influence of Film Thickness and Annealing Temperature in Growth of Mg2Si Thin Films
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Hatzikraniotis E
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Thermoelectrics
Thessaloniki, Greece
vol.1449 p.215-218
Journal Article
Lekka Ch E
Patsalas P
Komninou Ph
Evangelakis G. A
Electronic properties and bonding characteristics of AlN:Ag thin film nanocomposites
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.109 no.5
Pinakidou F
Katsikini M
Zougrou I
Matenoglou G. M
Patsalas P
Paloura E. C
Composition-dependent changes in the NEXAFS spectra of TiN-Cu films
Thin Solid Films
vol.519 no.12 p.3986-3989
Conference Proceedings Article
Hasapis T. C
Siozios A
Hatzikraniotis E
Vourlias G
Patsalas P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Growth and Characterization of Thermoelectric Mg2Si Thin Films
Radousky H
Venkatasubramanian R
Liang H
Energy Harvesting - >From Fundamentals to Devices
Stefanaki E. C
Siozios A
Hasapis Th C
Vourlias G
Hatzikraniotis E
Patsalas P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Deposition Conditions Studies in Mg2Si Films
XXVIΙ Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Journal Article
Almyras G. A
Matenoglou G. M
Komninou P
Kosmidis C
Patsalas P
Evangelakis G. A
On the deposition mechanisms and the formation of glassy Cu-Zr thin films
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.107 no.8
Lotsari A
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias Th
Kavouras P
Zoubos H
Koutsokeras L. E
Patsalas P
Komninou Ph
Structure, stability and mechanical performance of AlN:Ag nanocomposite films
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.204 no.12-13 p.1937-1941
Panagiotopoulos N. T
Patsalas P
Prouskas C
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Komninou P
Karakostas T
Tighe A. P
Lidorikis E
Bare-eye view at the nanoscale: New visual interferometric multi-indicator (VIMI)
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
vol.2 no.11 p.3052-3058
Patsalas P
Koutsokeras L. E
Hastas N
Kassavetis S
Valassiades O
Charitidis C
Logothetidis S
Electronic properties of binary and ternary, hard and refractory transition metal nitrides
Surface & Coatings Technology
vol.204 no.12-13 p.2038-2041
Pinakidou F
Paloura E. C
Matenoglou G. M
Patsalas P
Nanostructural characterization of TiN-Cu films using EXAFS spectroscopy
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.204 no.12-13 p.1933-1936
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Chaliampalias D
Patsalas P
Polychroniadis E. K
Preliminary study of DLC coatings aiming to the corrosion protection of ferrous materials
Journal of Nano Research
vol.10 p.113-120
Conference Proceedings Article
Angelakeris Mavroeidis
Vourlias Georgios
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Siozios A
Patsalas Panagiotis
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Preparation of Mg2Si Thin Films for Thermoelectric Applications
Codecasa M
8th European Conference on Thermoelectrics
Como, Italy
Hatzikraniotis E
Siozios A
Vourlias G
Patsalas P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Mg2Si Thin Films Prepared by Dual Cathode Magnetron Sputtering
XXVI Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Karagkiozaki V
Karagiannidis Petros
Kalfagiannis N
Patsalas Panagiotis
Diamanti Elisavet
Gournis D
Giannoglou Georgios
Logothetidis Stergios
Cardiovascular Therapies by Stents based on Nanostructured Biomaterials
7th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies- NN10
7th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies- NN10
Χαλκιδική, Ελλάδα
Kavatzikidou P
Kassavetis S
Logothetidis S
Pavlidou E
Patsalas P
E-MRS 2010 Spring Meeting, European Materials Research Society
Strasbourg, France
Zoubos H
Siozios A
Vourlias G
Stergioudis G
Patsalas P
Growth of AlN-based Nanocomposites Grownby Pulsed Laser Deposition and Sputtering and the effect of post-growth thermal annealing
Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies (NN10), Thessaloniki, Greece (2010), pp. 184
Journal Article
Evangelakis G. A
Patsalas P
Komninou Ph
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.483 no.1-2 p.1
Matenoglou G. M
Zoubos H
Lotsari A
Lekka Ch E
Komninou Ph
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kosmidis C
Evangelakis G. A
Patsalas P
Metal-containing amorphous carbon (a-C:Ag) and AlN (AlN:Ag) metallo-dielectric nanocomposites
Thin Solid Films
vol.518 no.5 p.1508-1511
Pinakidou F
Katsikini M
Patsalas P
Abadias G
Paloura E. C
On the nanostructure of Cu in TixCu1-x and TiN/Cu films: A XAFS study
Journal of Nano Research
vol.6 p.43-50
Conference Proceedings Article
Chaliampalias D
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Patsalas P
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Nano-coatings for the improvement of the corrosion performance of galvanized steel
6th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN09)
Thessaloniki, Greece
Lotsari A
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias Th
Kavouras P
Patsalas P
Komninou Ph
Structural and Mechanical Properties of AlN:Ag Nanocomposite Coatings grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition
25ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Καβατζικίδου Π
Λουσινιάν Σ
Λογοθετίδης Σ
Πατσαλάς Π
Χολή-Παπαδοπούλου Θ
Παυλίδου Ε
Εκτίμηση της αιμοσυμβατότητας λεπτών υμενίων άμορφου υδρογονωμένου άνθρακα ανεπτυγμένων με PECVD
Conference Proceedings Article
Pinakidou F
Katsikini M
Paloura E. C
Patsalas P
Abadias G
On the nanostructure of Cu in TixCu1-x and TiN-Cu films: a XAFS study
ΧΧΙV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science (extended abstracts)
Journal Article
Kassavetis S
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Robertson J
Kennou S
Dispersion relations and optical properties of amorphous carbons
Diamond and Related Materials
vol.16 no.10 p.1813-1822
Patsalas P
Lekatou A
Pavlidou E
Foulias S
Kamaratos M
Evangelakis G. A
Yavari A. R
Surface properties and activity of Fe-Ni-B ternary glasses
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.434-435 no.SPEC. ISS. p.229-233
Journal Article
Logothetidis S
Kalfagiannis N
Sarakinos K
Patsalas P
Investigation of bilayer period and individual layer thickness of CrN/TiN superlattices by ellipsometry and X-ray techniques
Surface & Coatings Technology
vol.200 no.22-23 p.6176-6180
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Patsalas P
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Study of the structure and morphology of plasma-sprayed tin coating
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.200 no.22-23 SPEC. ISS. p.6245-6250
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Patsalas P
Stergioudis G
Tsipas D
Polychroniadis E. K
A comparative study of the structure and the corrosion behavior of zinc coatings deposited with various methods
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.200 no.22-23 SPEC. ISS. p.6594-6600
Journal Article
Charitidis C
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Optical and mechanical performance of nanostructured cerium oxides for applications in optical devices
Second Conference on Microelectronics, Microsystems and Nanotechnology
vol.10 p.226-229 408
Mathioudakis C
Kopidakis G
Kelires P. C
Patsalas P
Gioti M
Logothetidis S
Electronic and optical properties of a-C from tight-binding molecular dynamics simulations
Thin Solid Films
vol.482 no.1-2 p.151-155
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Kelires P. C
Surface and interface morphology and structure of amorphous carbon thin and multilayer films
Diamond and Related Materials
vol.14 no.8 p.1241-1254
Sarakinos K
Kassavetis S
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Structural factors determining the nanomechanical performance of transition metal nitride films
Surface Engineering 2004 - Fundamentals and Applications
vol.843 p.311-316 362
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Patsalas P
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Study of the phases formed during the growth of thick coatings with coarse grained tin
High Temperature Material Processes
vol.9 no.2 p.227-236
Journal Article
Logothetidis S
Patsalas P
Sarakinos K
Charitidis C
Metaxa C
The effect of crystal structure and morphology on the optical properties of chromium nitride thin films
Surface & Coatings Technology
vol.180-81 p.637-641
Logothetidis S
Patsalas P
Evangelou E. K
Konofaos N
Tsiaoussis I
Frangis N
Dielectric properties and electronic transitions of porous and nanostructured cerium oxide films
Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology
vol.109 no.1-3 p.69-73
Panayiotatos Y
Patsalas P
Handrea M
Logothetidis S
Effects of non-depositing energetic species during the growth of boron nitride and amorphous carbon thin films by sputter deposition
Surface & Coatings Technology
vol.180-81 p.387-391
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
In-situ monitoring of the electronic properties and growth evolution of TiN films
Surface & Coatings Technology
vol.180-81 p.421-424
Patsalas P
Gravalidis C
Logothetidis S
Surface kinetics and subplantation phenomena affecting the texture, morphology, stress, and growth evolution of titanium nitride films
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.96 no.11 p.6234-6246
Conference Announcement
Konofaos N
Evangelou E. K
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Field emission properties of sputtered tetrahedral amorphous carbon films deposited at room temperature
Symposium: “J: Synthesis,Characterisation and Advanced Applications of Amorphous Carbon Films”, E-MRS Spring Meeting
Strasbourg, France
Journal Article
Gautier S
Komninou Philomela
Patsalas P
Kehagias Thomas
Logothetidis S
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Nouet G
Optical and electrical properties of TiN/n-GaN contacts in correlation with their structural properties
Semiconductor Science and Technology
vol.18 no.6 p.594-601
Logothetidis S
Patsalas P
Charitidis C
Enhanced catalytic activity of nanostructured cerium oxide films
Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems
vol.23 no.6-8 p.803-806
Logothetidis S
Panayiotatos Y
Gravalidis C
Patsalas P
Zoy A
X-ray diffuse scattering investigation of thin films
Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology
vol.102 no.1-3 p.25-29
Lu W
Komvopoulos K
Patsalas P
Charitidis C
Gioti M
Logothetidis S
Microstructure and nanomechanical and optical properties of single- and multi-layer carbon films synthesized by radio frequency sputtering
Surface & Coatings Technology
vol.168 no.1 p.12-22
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Sygellou L
Kennou S
Structure-dependent electronic properties of nanocrystalline cerium oxide films
Physical Review B
vol.68 no.3
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Kennou S
Gravalidis C
Surface-activation processes and ion-solid interactions during the nucleation and growth of ultra-thin amorphous carbon films
Thin Solid Films
vol.428 no.1-2 p.211-215
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Interface properties and structural evolution of TiN/Si and TiN/GaN heterostructures
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.93 no.2 p.989-998
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Erratum: Interface Properties and Structural Evolution of TiN/Si and TiN/GaN Heterostructures (Journal of Applied Physics (2003) 93 (989))
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.94 no.8 p.5438
Conference Proceedings Article
Ευαγγέλου Ε. Κ
Λογοθετίδης Σ
Πατσαλάς Π
Κονοφάος Ν
Τσιαούσης Ι
Φραγκής Ν
Ηλεκτρικές και δομικές ιδιότητες λεπτών υμενίων CeO2 ανεπτυγμένων σε Si για χρήση σε διατάξεις CMOS
ΧΙΧ Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης, Θεματικό πεδίο: Μικροηλεκτρονική– Οπτοηλεκτρονική
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
Journal Article
Logothetidis S
Laskarakis A
Gika A
Patsalas P
In situ and real-time ellipsometry diagnostic techniques towards the monitoring of the bonding structure and growth kinetics: silicon oxide coatings
Surface & Coatings Technology
vol.151 p.204-208
Logothetidis S
Charitidis C
Patsalas P
Engineering properties of fully sp(3)- to sp(2)-bonded carbon films and their modifications after post-growth ion irradiation
Diamond and Related Materials
vol.11 no.3-6 p.1095-1099
Mathioudakis C
Kelires P. C
Panagiotatos Y
Patsalas P
Charitidis C
Logothetidis S
Nanomechanical properties of multilayered amorphous carbon structures
Physical Review B
vol.65 no.20
Panayiotatos Y
Patsalas P
Charitidis C
Logothetidis S
Mechanical performance and growth characteristics of boron nitride films with respect to their optical, compositional properties and density
Surface & Coatings Technology
vol.151 p.155-159
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Metaxa C
Optical performance of nanocrystalline transparent Ceria films
Applied Physics Letters
vol.81 no.3 p.466-468
Journal Article
Hastas N. A
Dimitriadis C. A
Patsalas P
Panayiotatos Y
Tassis D. H
Logothetidis S
Structural, electrical, and low-frequency-noise properties of amorphous-carbon-silicon heterojunctions
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.89 no.5 p.2832-2838
Logothetidis S
Gioti M
Patsalas P
Real-time monitoring, growth kinetics and properties of carbon based materials deposited by sputtering
Diamond and Related Materials
vol.10 no.2 p.117-124
Logothetidis S
Gioti M
Charitidis C
Patsalas P
Development of diamond and diamond-related materials with desired properties
Advanced Engineering Materials
vol.3 no.3 p.166-170
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Optical, electronic, and transport properties of nanocrystalline titanium nitride thin films
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.90 no.9 p.4725-4734
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Crystallization effects and diamond formation in amorphous carbon films under low energy ion beam irradiation
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.178 p.247-251
Patsalas P
Handrea M
Logothetidis S
Gioti M
Kennou S
Kautek W
A complementary study of bonding and electronic structure of amorphous carbon films by electron spectroscopy and optical techniques
Diamond and Related Materials
vol.10 no.3-7 p.960-964
Conference Proceedings Article
Charitidis C
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Nanoscratch deformation response of carbon nitride thin films
vol.649 p.Q7.19.1-Q7.19.6
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Surface and bulk microstructural modifications in amorphous carbon films after post-growth low energy ion beam irradiation
vol.650 p.R3.42.1-R3.42.6
Journal Article
Evangelou Evangelos K
Konofaos Nikolaos
Aslanoglou X. A
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Patsalas Panagiotis
Logothetidis Stergios
Kokkoris M
Kossionides E
Vlastou R
Groetschel R
Characterization of magnetron sputtering deposited thin films of TiN for use as a metal electrode on TiN/SiO2/Si metal-oxide-semiconductor devices
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.88 no.12 p.7192-7196
Evangelou Eυάγγελος K
Konofaos Nikolaos
Aslanoglou Xenofon
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Patsalas Panagiotis
Logothetidis Stergios
Kokkoris M
Kossionides E
Vlastou Rosa
Groetschel R
Characterisation of DC-magnetron sputtering deposited thin films of TiN for use as a metal electrode on TiN/SiO2/Si MOS devices
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.88 no.12 p.7192-7196
Gioti M
Logothetidis S
Patsalas P
Laskarakis A
Panayiotatos Y
Kechagias V
Magnetron sputtered carbon nitride: composition and chemical bonding of as-grown and post-annealed films studied with real-time and in situ diagnostic techniques
Surface & Coatings Technology
vol.125 no.1-3 p.289-294
Hastas N. A
Dimitriadis C. A
Panayiotatos Y
Tassis D. H
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Noise characterization of sputtered amorphous carbon films
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.88 no.9 p.5482-5484
Komninou P
Nouet G
Patsalas P
Kehagias T
Gioti M
Logothetidis S
Karakostas T
Crystalline structures of carbon complexes in amorphous carbon films
Diamond and Related Materials
vol.9 no.3-6 p.703-706
Logothetidis S
Patsalas P
Gioti M
Galdikas A
Pranevicius L
Growth kinetics of sputtered amorphous carbon thin films: composition studies and phenomenological model
Thin Solid Films
vol.376 no.1-2 p.56-66
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
The effect of postgrowth ion irradiation on the microstructure and the interface properties of amorphous carbon films on silicon
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.88 no.11 p.6346-6354
Patsalas P
Charitidis C
Logothetidis S
In situ and real-time ellipsometry monitoring of submicron titanium nitride/titanium silicide electronic devices
Applied Surface Science
vol.154 p.256-262
Patsalas P
Charitidis C
Logothetidis S
The effect of substrate temperature and biasing on the mechanical properties and structure of sputtered titanium nitride thin films
Surface & Coatings Technology
vol.125 no.1-3 p.335-340
Journal Article
Dimitriadis C. A
Lee J. I
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Tassis D. H
Brini J
Kamarinos G
Characteristics of TiNx/n-Si Schottky diodes deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.85 no.8 I p.4238-4242
Galdikas A
Logothetidis S
Patsalas P
Gioti M
Pranevicius L
The kinetics of sputtered deposited carbon on silicon: A phenomenological model
Diamond and Related Materials
vol.8 no.2-5 p.490-494
Lee J. I
Brini J
Kamarinos G
Dimitriadis C. A
Logothetidis S
Patsalas P
Low frequency noise measurements on TiN/n-Si Schottky diodes
Applied Surface Science
vol.142 no.1 p.390-393
Logothetidis S
Gioti M
Patsalas P
Charitidis C
Insights on the deposition mechanism of sputtered amorphous carbon films
vol.37 no.5 p.765-769
Logothetidis S
Gioti M
Charitidis C
Patsalas P
Arvanitidis J
Stoemenos J
Stability, enhancement of elastic properties and structure of multilayered amorphous carbon films
Applied Surface Science
vol.138-139 no.1-4 p.244-249
Logothetidis S
Gioti M
Charitidis C
Patsalas P
New process for the development of hard and stable sputtered amorphous carbon films
vol.53 no.1-2 p.61-65
Logothetidis S
Charitidis C
Patsalas P
Kehagias T
A comparative study of composition, structure and elastic properties of boron nitride films deposited by magnetron and ion beam sputtering
Diamond and Related Materials
vol.8 no.2-5 p.410-414
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Douka P
Gioti M
Stergioudis G
Komninou Ph
Nouet G
Karakostas Th
Polycrystalline diamond formation by post-growth ion bombardment of sputter-deposited amorphous carbon films
vol.37 no.5 p.865-869
Patsalas P
Charitidis C
Logothetidis S
Dimitriadis C. A
Valassiades O
Combined electrical and mechanical properties of titanium nitride thin films as metallization materials
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.86 no.9 p.5296-5298
Conference Proceedings Article
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Dimitriadis C. A
In-situ optical characterization of titanium nitride thin films for applications in microelectronics
vol.569 p.113-118
Journal Article
Logothetidis S
Stergioudis G
Patsalas P
Oxidation and structural changes in fcc TiNx thin films studied with X-ray reflectivity
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.100-101 no.1-3 p.295-299
Updated: 2018-10-30