Learning Outcomes
-Synthesis of knowledge and skills
-Operation of multidimensional aspects
-Compositional and Analytical vocabulary
-Issues of contextual integration, development of complex and complete proposals
-Concerns on construction and materiality
-Design Communication
Course Content (Syllabus)
The Design Studio 5 "Articulations" utilizes the already gained knowledge from the studios of the previous years to approach a building program of higher compositional complexity. The studio investigates design subjects emerging from contemporary architectural explorations and within demanding contextual settings with aim: 1. the emergence of the need to quest and explore multidimensional aspects, 2. the structure of a personal solution program to approach the abovementioned complexity, 3. the development of a consistent approach in theoretical and practical aspects of architecture design.
The studio attempts a critical investigation and synthetic documentation of different design aspects. Students are invited to handle complex issues that integrate at the same time both functional, typological, urban, conceptional and construction demands, and propose complete, consistent, architectural solutions.