Course Content (Syllabus)
Natural resources and ecosystems: Definition and classification of natural resources. Value and function of ecosystems.
Protected areas – Institutional and legal framework: Management and monitoring plans. Management Bodies
Management and Planning of Protected Areas: Carrying capacity of protected areas. Decision making systems for protected areas management.
Static and dynamic efficiency of natural resources: Optimal allocation. Static and dynamic efficiency. Two periods model.
Economic valuation of the environment: Environmental valuation techniques. Case studies.
Economic valuation of protected areas: Management decisions in protected areas. Use values of protected areas
Cost benefit analysis: Implementation in environmental management
Renewable Energy Sources: Siting criteria. AHP for renewable energy resources establishments
Water resources: Water uses. Integrated water resources management. Economic dimension of water resources.
Forests – Fisheries: Forest logging. Environmentally sound fishering. Sustainable harvest
natural resources, protected areas, economic evaluation, multicriteria analysis
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Α. Πρωτοπαπάς, E. Kula (2005) Οικονομικά και πολιτικές για τη βιώσιμη διαχείριση περιβάλλοντος και των φυσικών πόρων, Σάκκουλας
2. Camp WC, Daugherty TB (2004) Διαχείριση Φυσικών Πόρων, Εκδ. «ΙΩΝ», Αθήνα, Γ’ έκδ. (βελτιωμένη)