Course Content (Syllabus)
Elements of probability theory - Distributions of some useful statistics -
Descriptive statistics - Methods of point estimation - Confidence intervals and tests of
hypotheses for the mean, the variance and the proportion for one and two samples - Test
of Goodness-of-Fit - Contingency tables - Tests of homogeneity - The method of least
squares-Regression - Tests of hypotheses and Confidence intervals in simple linear
Regression - Simple, multiple and partial correlation coefficient - Analysis of variance -
The one-way layout - The two-way layout with and without interaction - Non-parametric
methods - Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, runs tests, rank tests and sign tests for one and two
samples - Tests concerning k>2 independent and dependent samples - The Spearman
correlation coefficient - Applications using statistical packages.
hypotheses, Tests, Contingency tables, Regression, ANOVA, Non-parametric