Learning Outcomes
The students have a general view of scientific instruments used in atmospheric measurements and their principles of operation.
Through the laboratory exercises are able to perform calibrations and field measurements with solar radiation instruments, meteorological instruments and ozonesondes.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Week 1: Theoretical background for the laboratory exercises: Radiometry, Ozone sounding, and Meteorology.
Week 2: Introduction to the measurements of environmental parameters. Representativeness of a measurement. Quality control - quality assurance.
Week 3: Measurements of meteorological parameters 1: Temperature. Reference points and temperatures scales. Meteorological thermometers. Sources of errors in temperature measurements.
Week 4: Measurements of meteorological parameters 2: Humidity, Pressure. Parameters of humidity determination. Psychrometers and hair hygrometers. Spectroscopic hygrometers. Operational principles of other hygrometers. Pressure units. Characteristics and operational principles of barometers.
Week 5: Measurements of meteorological parameters 3: Wind. Scales and units. Characteristics and operational principles of anemometers. Wind-vanes. Calculation of the wind vertical distribution.
Week 6: Radiation measurements: Introduction to measurement methods and quantities. Spectral response of radiation instruments. Geometry of measurements – Radiation flux and intensity. Angular response error.
Week 7: Spectrophotometers 1: Description, characteristics, the grating equation, spectral resolution, stray (scattered) light error.
Week 8: Spectrophotometers 2: Absolute calibration and determination of the wavelength scale. Applications.
Week 9: Broadband radiometers: Determination of spectral response function. Calibration with standard lamps and prototype instruments. Errors due to instrument’s internal temperature variability.
Week 10: Remote sensing of the column number density of atmospheric species from the ground and satellites: Differential optical absorption spectroscopy method, Brewer-Dobson method.
Week 11: Atmospheric remote sensing using lasers (LIDAR)
Week 12: In situ measurements of atmospheric species vertical profiles.
Week 13: In situ measurements of air quality: Atmospheric pollutants NOx, SO2, O3, CO, hydrocarbons, aerosols.
Atmospheric measurements, meteorological instruments, air quality monitors, solar radiation isntruments
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Μελάς, Δ., Μπάης, Α., Μπαλής, Δ., 2015. Ατμοσφαιρική τεχνολογία. [ηλεκτρ. βιβλ.] Αθήνα:Σύνδεσμος Ελληνικών Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών. Διαθέσιμο στο: http://hdl.handle.net/11419/2337