Learning Outcomes
The purpose of this course is to provide the knowledge of how the scientific action, along with the pastoral research trial, contribute to the development and implementation of the findings of modern Pastoral theories in the pastoral work of the Church.
Course Content (Syllabus)
For each academic year, the course includes two different subjects from the following list: Parish life (the pastoral view of mysteries). Marriage and family. Pastoral theology for addicts, immigrants, people with disabilities, patients. The relationship between Pastoral and bioethical issues. Pilgrimage Tourism etc.
For the current academic year (2016-17) thw following subjects will be discussed: a) the pastoral approach to homosexuality, b) Current environmental issues: Genetically modified food - medication.
1. Introduction: Content and aim of the subject. Modernization of the pastoral work. Relationship of pastoral theology and the modern world.
2. Definitions, concepts and content of the issue of homosexuality.
3. Ιntertemporal course of the issue. Ancient civilizations of the Near East, Ancient Greece, Rome, Byzantine Empire and recent years.
4. Love - pederasty - female homosexuality.
5. Biblical references and patristic views.
6. Psycho-social approaches of the phenomenon.
7. Theology - otherness - sex.
8. Theology - Christian anthropology.
9. Pastoral care and help.
10. Homosexuality - marriage.
11. Genetically modified food.
12. Medication.
13. Pesticides.
Oral exams, where students participate in groups of six people. The class attendance along with the undertaken assignments, which are related to the course's literature, counts positively for the final grade. More than two absences from the class need to be justified. Students, who are not able to attend lectures for a reason, they have to come in contact with the lecturer in order to arrange the way of their assesment.
Additional bibliography for study
1. Πιτσάκη Κωνσταντίνου, «Η θέση των ομοφυλοφίλων στη Βυζαντινή κοινωνία», στα Πρακτικά Ημερίδας,Οι περιθωριακοί στο Βυζάντιο, Ίδρυμα Γουλανδρή -Χορν, Αθήνα 1993, σσ.171-269.
2. Σταυρόπουλου Αλέξανδρου, Ποιμαντική Γάμου, οικογένειας και ισότητας των δύο φύλων, Ποιμαντική Θεολογία, Αθήνα 2004.
3. Καραγκούνη Χρήστου, Ομοφυλοφιλία, Αθήνα 2005
4. Συκουτρή, Πλάτωνος Συμπόσιον,κείμενον, μετάφρασις, και ερμηνεία, Σειρά Ακαδημία Αθηνών - Ελληνική Βιβλιοθήκη, εκδ. Κολλάρος και σια, Αθήναι 1949
5. Dover K.J, Greek Homosexuality,Harvard University Press,1989.
Martti Nissinen, Homoeroticism in Biblical world, A historical Perspective, Minneapolis 1998