Learning Outcomes
After the course completion, the students will:
1. Know the basics of logic design and digital electronics.
2. Understand the structure and the operation of digital circuits and their use in computers.
3. Be able to use suitable programming environments in order to design elementary digital circuits and test them.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Digital signals, digital data coding. Logic gates, Boole algebra, logic functions. Logic simplification, Karnaugh maps, algebraic methods. Combinational circuits, counters, comparators, encoders, adders etc. Sequential circuits, synchronous, asynchronous circuits. Latches, flip-flops, ROM and RAM memories. Introduction to Hardware definition Languages (Verilog, VHDL).
Digital signals, logic gates, Boole algebra, logic functions, logic simplification, Karnaugh maps, combinational circuits, sequential circuits, latches, flip-flops, ROM and RAM memories, Hardware definition Languages (Verilog, VHDL).