Course Content (Syllabus)
The course focuses theoretically on costume-design, aiming to acquaint students with the semiotics of costumes, through the comparative analysis of the three basic categories: everyday life costumes, theater and film costumes.The practical focus is on the methodology of analysing and interpreting film scripts with regard to costume design. It also makes references to organising research and solving problems related to making the costumes. Drawing exercises, building models and exercises on costume design synthesis, as well as becoming acquainted with different textiles and materials aim to prepare students for the creation of their portfolios. Students also write an essay on the costume designs of important visual artists working in the film industry, based both on researvhing their fimography and on their personal analysis. At the end of the course, students take exams both on the theory that they were taught and on practical exercises. Their grades reflect their participation, the quality of their essays and the grade of the final exam. The course is based on extensive bibliography and uses slides, film extracts, articles, examples of costume designs and costume materials (textiles, decorative elements e.t.c.) as aids.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. 1. Payne, Winakov, Farrell, Beek, Ενδυματολογία Ιστορία της Ενδυμασίας, Εκδόσεις Ίον.
2. 2. Gombrich, G.H., Το Χρονικό της Τέχνης, ΜΙΕΤ, 2006.
3. Φωτόπουλος Δ., Το Ένδυμα στην Αθήνα στο Γύρισμα του 20ου Αιώνα, Ε.Λ.Ι.Α., 2000.