Vocational Education and Training: programme planning and assessment

Course Information
TitleΕπαγγελματική εκπαίδευση και κατάρτιση / Vocational Education and Training: programme planning and assessment
SchoolPhilosophy and Education
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate, 2nd / Postgraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter/Spring
CoordinatorGeorgios Zarifis
Course ID280009244

Programme of Study: UPS School of Philosophy and Education (2011-today)

Registered students: 125
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterYearECTS
CoreElective CoursesWinter/Spring-6
PedagogicCompulsory courses beloging to the selected specialisationWinter/Spring-6

Class Information
Academic Year2018 – 2019
Class PeriodWinter
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours3
Total Hours39
Class ID
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Scientific Area
  • Skills Development
Course Type 2011-2015
Specific Foundation / Core
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Greek (Instruction, Examination)
  • English (Instruction, Examination)
Required Courses
  • ΕΙΣΠ100 Introduction to Pedagogy
  • Π1807 Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning: theory & practice
  • ΣΧΠΙ400 Education and Schooling
  • ΣΧΠΙΙ400 School Education II (curriculum and other pedagogical texts, resources and practices)
General Prerequisites
The course is offered only to students of the Department of Education and incoming Erasmus students from Universitites and/or Faculties/Departments with pedagogical/educational orientation. A written assignment (up to 3000 words) is a requirement to pass the course.
Learning Outcomes
The students who will successfully complete this course, are expected that they will be able to: •Become familiar with the types and structure of vocational education and training programs, the basic building blocks and how their structure. •Meet the teaching approaches, tools and techniques to facilitate learning for trainees. •Understand the importance of group dynamics. •Familiarize yourself with the planning of vocational education and training methodology. •Understand the approach of the educational process in a VET program. •Become familiar with issues and evaluation methods in vocational education and training programs. •Understand the importance of certification of qualifications for recognition and validation of learning outcomes. • Meet the role and characteristics of the instructor in vocational education and training programs.
General Competences
  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Make decisions
  • Work autonomously
  • Work in teams
  • Appreciate diversity and multiculturality
  • Demonstrate social, professional and ethical commitment and sensitivity to gender issues
  • Be critical and self-critical
  • Advance free, creative and causative thinking
Course Content (Syllabus)
This course addresses practical issues of Vocational Education and Training and more specific issues related to the planning and organization of vocational training and the conditions that affecting it (such as working environment, conditions for learning, reference groups, type of work and relational climate). Particularly, all the components of a typical training program are presented and analysed (method of funding, logistics, target group, identification and recording of learning needs, learning goals, content of learning, teaching methodologies, assessment of learning and overall assessment of programmes, certification and continuous monitoring -follow up), from the perspective of the instructor. In addition to the above, reference is made to specific examples of planning and organization of vocational education and training programmes in the context of the modern learning organization (how to diagnose and record the learning needs of trainees, identification and ways of opening the learning objectives, content selection, conditions of learning and teaching, implementation of specific instructional methods to increase the efficiency of the educational process e.g. structured experiences -structured experiences, assumptions, role-playing, simulation games, circular work - job rotation).
Vocational Education and Training, adult education, lifelong learning, work-based learning, apprenticeship, training programmes, certification and validation of vocational skills and competences
Educational Material Types
  • Notes
  • Slide presentations
  • Multimedia
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
Use of the tutor's own platform available at http://www.gkzarifis.com/WEBPROTECT-ugcoursep1808.htm
Course Organization
Reading Assigment150.6
Student Assessment
Written assignment of 3000 words for incoming Erasmus students.
Student Assessment methods
  • Written Exam with Multiple Choice Questions (Summative)
  • Written Assignment (Formative, Summative)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Ηλεκτρονικές σημειώσεις οι οποίες μπορούν να μεταφορτωθούν από τον ιστοχώρο http://www.gkzarifis.com/WEBPROTECT-ugcoursep1808.htm (πρόσβαση ύστερα από εγγραφή στον ιστοχώρο και μόνο με κωδικό).
Additional bibliography for study
1.Bligh D . R ., (1972): What ’ s the use of lectures? Honiton : D . A . &. B . Bligh. 2.Blunden R. , (1997) : « Praxis in vocational education and training: being and becoming a person» στο International Journal of Lifelong Education , V16, n4, Jul - Aug.1997. Brookfield (1898) « Teaching Roles and Teaching styles » στο Titmus , C . ( ed .) Lifelong Education for Adults: An International Handbook , Oxford: Pergamon. (1989: 208 - 212 ). 3.Blunt A., Yang B., (2002): «Factor structure of the adult attitudes toward adult and continuing education scale and its capacity to predict participation behaviour: Evidence for adoption of a revised scale», στο Adult Education Quarterly , V52, n4. σελ : 299 - 314. 4.Bramley P., (1991): Evaluating training effectiveness. Translating theory into practice , London : The McGraw - Hill Book Company Series . 5.Cartwright, D. and Zander A., (1968): Group Dynamics: research and theory. 3rd. Edition. London. Tavistock Publications. 6.Cervero R. & Yang B., (2001): «Power and influence styles programme planning: relationship with organizational political contexts», στο International Journal of Lifelong Education . V20, Jul. - Aug. 2001.: 289 - 296 . 7.Cervero, R. M. (1989) «Continuing education for the professions», στο S. B. Merriam: M. Cunnigham, (eds.) Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education , San Francisco : Jossey Bass .: 513 - 524. 8.Cervero, R.M., (1988): Effective continuing education for professionals , San Francisco: Jossey - Bass. LC1072.C56 C47 9.Cornbleth C ., (1990): Curriculum in Context , Basingstoke : Falmer Press . 10.Daloz L.A., (1986): Effective Teaching and Mentoring: Realizing the Transformational Power of Adult Learning Experiences, San Francisco: Jossey - Bass . 11.Darkenwald G.G. & Merriam S.B., (1982): Adult Education: Foundations of Practice, London: Harper & Row. 12.Doll R.C., (1995): Curriculum Improvement . Boston : Allyn and Bacon . 13.Drake K., Germe J.F., (1995): Financing continuing training: what are the lessons from international comparison? Berlin, Cede fop McGivney V., (1996). Who is and who isn’t participating in adult education: International and national perspectives , Paper presented to Conference «Participation's everyone 's business», Coogee ( αδημοσίευτη εισήγηση ). 14.Gagné R.M. and Briggs L.J. , (1974) : Principles of instructional design (2nd ed.) . Holt , Rinehart , and Winston . 15.Gagné R.M., (1985): The Conditions of Learning and Theory of Instruction . New York: CBS College Publishing. 16.Guba E . G . & Lincoln Y . S ., (1985): στο έργο τους Naturalistic inquiry . Newbury Park , CA : Sage . 17.Hinsz V.B., (1991): «Individual versus group goal decision making: Social comparison in goals for individual task performance ». Jou rnal of Applied Social Psychology , 21, 287 - 1003 . 18.Hinsz V.B., (1995): «Group and individual decision making for task performance goals: Processes in the establishment of goals in groups». Journal of Applied Social Psychology , 25, 253 - 370 . 19.Hinsz V.B., Park E.S., Sjomeling M., (2004): «Group interaction sustains positive moods and diminishes negative moods». Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association , Chicago . 20.Holton E . F ., III (1996): « Holton ’ s Evaluation Model : New evidence and construct elaboration s », στο Advances in Developing Human Resources , vol . 7, no . 1, London : Sage Publications : 37 - 54. 21.Houtkoop, W. & Van Der Kamp, M. (1992) : «Factors influencing participation in Continuing Education», στο International Journal of Educational Research , 17(6): 537 - 548, 22.Jamieson P., et al ., (2000): “Place and Space in the Design of New Learning Environments”, Higher Education Research and Development , Vol. 19, No. 2, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 221 - 237. 23.Kirkpatrick D.L., (1996): «Evaluation», στο Craig, R. L (ed. in chief). The ASTD Training and Development Handbook A guide to human resource development , 4 th edition, New York: McGraw - Hill, 294 - 312 . 24.Kirkpatrick D.L., (1998): «The four levels of evaluation», στο Brown S.M. & C.J. Seidner (eds). Evaluating corporate training: models and issues , Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 95 - 112 . 25.Lenz (198 2): The Art of Teaching Adults , New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 26.Lewin K., (1958): « Group decision and s ocial change ». In E.E. Macoby, T.M. Newcomb, E.L. Hartley (Eds.), Readings in Social Psychology, 3, 197 - 211. New York: Holt . 27.Little A . W ., (2003): « Motivating Learning and the Development of Human Capital », στο Compare , 33(4): 437 - 452 . 28.Naquin S., Sharon and Elwood F. Holton (2006): «Leadership and Managerial competency models: a simplified process and resulti ng model», Advances in developing human resources , vol. 8, no 2. 29.Phil l ips P.P., Phillips J.J., (2001): « S ymposium on the evaluation of training : editorial », στο International Journal of Training and Development , vol . 5, no . 4, Oxford : Blackwell Publishers LtdQ 240 - 247. 30.Phillips J.J. & G.P. Chagalis (1990): « Evaluation of HRD Programs : Quantitative and Qualitat ive », στο Nadler , L . Z . Nadler ( eds ). The handbook o f human resource development , 2 nd edition, New York: John Wiley & Sons,12.3, 12.33 - 12.35 . 31.Phillips J.J. (1996): «M easuring the results of training», στο Craig R.L. (ed.in.chief). The ASTD Training and Development Handbook A guide to human resource development , 4 th edition, New York: McGraw - Hill, 313 - 341 . 32.Phillips J.J., (1998): « Level four and beyond : an ROI model », στο Brown S . M . & C . J . Seidner ( eds ). Evaluating corporate training: models and issues , Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers: 113 - 139. 33.Rogers (1986): Adults Learning , Milton Keynes : Open University Pr ess . 34.Rogers C., (1969): Freedom to Learn . Columbus : Merrill. 35.Ryan, C. (1994). Authentic Assessment. USA: Teacher Created Materials Inc. 36.Spitzer D.R., (2005): «Learning Effectiveness Measurement: A new approach for measuring and managing learning to achieve business results», στο Advances in Developing Human Resources , vol. 7, no. 1, London: Sage Publications, 55 - 70. ] . 37.Staton T.F., (1960): How to instruct successfully , New York: McGraw - Hill. LC 5219. S 86 1960 (σελ. 26 - 28 & 43 - 54). 38.Stephens M.D. & Roderick G .W., (1971): Tea ching Techniques in Adult Education, Newton Abbot: David & Charles . 39.Stroobants V., Jans M., Wildermeers ch D., (2001): «Making sense of learning for work: Towards a framework of transitional learning», στο International Journal of Lifelong Education , V20, n1/2. σελ : 114 - 126. 40.Wiggins , G . (1993). The case for authentic assessment. Eric: Digest.
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