Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able:
1. To recognize different categories of plant metabolites (structures, regulation and biological role)
2. To understand key concepts involved in plant chemical defence processes and its importance for cultivated and non cultivated plants.
3. To comprehend how plants communicate with other organisms by volatile or no volatile signals.
4. To distinguse different aspects of plant communication with respect to the different life patterns.
5. To be fully informed of the last biotechnological advances regarding natural products of plant origin.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Plant secondery metabolites (terpenoids, phenolics, N containing compounds) biosynthesis and regulation. Bilogical role of plant secondary metabolites, their implication in plant communication with other orghanisms. Secondary metabolites in plant chemical defence (constitutive and induced. Voltile signals in plat communication. Plant secondary metabolite responces to abiotic stresses. Secondary metabolites in cultivated plants. Natural products of plant origin. Methods on isolation and identification of secondary metabololites. Evaluation of plant secondary matabolites activity.
plant volatiles, plant chemical fefence, plant communication, natural products