Course Content (Syllabus)
1. Small dams and small reservoirs. Classification of dams. Selection of dam type. Earth fill, Rock fill, RCC and Concrete dams. Foundation and construction. Hydraulic structures (diversion tunnel-intake-outlet tunnel-spillway-stilling basins).
2. Artificial groundwater recharge. Recharge wells. Infiltration basins.
3. Natural systems for wastewater treatment. Land treatment wastewater systems (Slow rate, overland flow and rapid infiltration). Wastewater stabilization ponds systems (aerotic, facultative, partial-mix aerated and controlled discharge). Aquatic plants treatment systems. Constructed wetlands for waste water treatment systems (subsurface horizontal flow beds, free water surface horizontal flow beds and intermittent flooding or vertical flow beds). Design and study of small wastewater plants.
4. Delimitation of streams.
5. Environmental impact assessment pre-study and study of reclamation works. Agro economical feasibility study.