Learning Outcomes
At the end of the courses, students will be able to:
Know the basic concepts of all issues about nationalism.
Recognise nationalistic ideology and nationalistic movements.
Understand the theoretical and historical development of nationalism.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The aim of this course is to deal with the issues of national and nationalistic ideology and with the political movements, from the 19th century till today. The course will analyse the political parameters of the national-nationalistic ideology, by a critical presentation of the concepts "race", "nation", "national identity", "religion", "patriotism".
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
- Ετιέν Μπαλιμπάρ, Ιμμάνουελ Βαλλερστάιν, "Φυλή, έθνος, τάξη. Οι διφορούμενες ταυτότητες", Νήσος, Αθήνα 2017.
- Elie Kadourie, "Ο εθνικισμός", Κατάρτι, Αθήνα 2003