Learning Outcomes
The graduate students for the course are expected to:
gain knowledge of basic concepts, principles and advanced applications of modern physicochemical techniques pertaining tot he analysis of matter in engineering processes and advanced materials technologies.
develop their personal skills and critical thinking on basic and advanced knowledge of general, complex analytical techniques in technologies tied to advanced materials
understand the theoretical pillars of the physicochemical analaytical techniques, and be in a position to apply the relevant analaysis to solve engineering problems in processes and advanced materials technologies.
gain knowledge of the basic characteristics of qualitative and quantitative research in modern analysis on the structure and properties of matter and understand its role in engineering and current applications in modern hybrid technological materials.
Get exposed and trained on methodological and practical issues that may arise from the involvement of a contemporary analaytical techniques of an engineering researcher in the specific field.
Course Content (Syllabus)
I.3 Methods of study and characterization of materials
Optical Microscopy, Optical microscope - General. Light Methods: Bright and dark field, Normarski (DIC), polarized light. Phase contrast microscope, interference microscope. Lenses, Imprinting media. Metallogrpahic preparation of samples for optical observation. Laboratory exercise: Use of optical metallogrpahic microscope for the study of characteristic metallic samples.
Electron microscopy. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Microanalysitcal methods (WDS, EDS). Sampe system preparation. Laboratory exercise: Morphological study (SEM, TEM) - Point chemical analysis.
X-rays. X-ray diffraction. Bragg equation. Strutcural analysis methods: Powder, single crystal, amorphous. Laboratory exercise: Materials characterization - Phase identification.
Spectroscopc, optical methods. Absorption-Transmission Spectroscopy. FT-IR and Raman Spectroscopy. Microcharacterization. Laboratory exercise: Raman - FT-IR.
methods of mechanical property measurements. Tensile strength and stress measurements upon impact. Relaxation tests. Dynamic mechanical analysis. Laboratory exercise: Tensile strength and stress measurements upon impact.
Electrical and magnetic property measurement methods. Electrical conductivity measuremements. Semiconductor -dielectric material characterization. Magnetic field sensors. Magnetic quantitiy measurements, hysteresis cycle recording, Curie point measurement, Epstein frame method. Laboratory exercise: Surface resistance measurement - Four point method. Epstein frame loss method.
Microscopy, spectroscopy, mechanical properties, analysis, physicochemical techniques, structure of matter, advanced materials, magnetism, X-ray crystallography