Learning Outcomes
• Mastery of basic properties of cells and cell types, cell cultures, tissues, organs and anatomy in mammals, with emphasis on humans.
• Understanding of the main physicochemical factors required for normal function in mammals, with emphasis on humans, and ways to control them in vivo and in vitro .
• Familiarity with regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, medical devices and the mechanical properties of tissues.
• Link theory with practice by solving mathematical problems and laboratory demonstration.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The module provides an introduction to the theory and practice of Biomedical Engineering - Tissue Engineering, with emphasis on the role of Chemical Engineers. In particular it covers:
• Basic properties of cells, cell types, cell cultures, tissues, organs anatomy in mammals, with emphasis on humans.
• Main physicochemical factors required for normal function in mammals, with emphasis upon humans, and ways to control them in vivo and in vitro.
• Regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, medical devices and mechanical properties of tissues.
• Link theory with practice by solving mathematical problems and laboratory demonstration.
• Challenges, perspectives
Biomedical Engineering, Biology Medicine & Technology, Regenerative Medicine, Tissue Engineering, Controlled Drug Delivery
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1) Βιολογικά Υλικά, Εισαγωγή στη Μηχανική των Ιστών, 2006, Θ. Ηλιάδης & Σ. Ζηνέλης, Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Π.Χ. Πασχαλίδης ή
2)Αναγέννηση Οργάνων & Ιστών στους Ενήλικες, 2001, I. Yannas, Univ. Studio Press