Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to,
1)Know the historical development of Silviculture
2)Know the scientific terminology of Silviculture and not only
3)Know the management forms silvicultural forms of forests, their creation and the apropriate silvicultural measures for each of them
4)Know the regeneration methods for every forest stand type
5)Know the silvicuyltural measures, applied in each developmental stage for the evenage forests and these which must be applied in unevenage forests (all age forests and group selection forests)
Course Content (Syllabus)
Stand knowledge (distinction of stands according to their type of establishment, structure and composition). Natural forest regeneration (basic methods). Artificial stand establishment. Forest silviculture (general principles, silvicultural measures, seedling stands silviculture, tending at stages: seedling, sampling, pole wood, trunk wood, pruning, thinning of secondary stands. Coppice forest conversion. All aged forest silviculture. Current condition of Greek forests and contributing factors.
Forest stand regeneration, tending, coppice stand conversion, forest stand types