Learning Outcomes
The course objectives are:
(A) to enable students to improve their linguistic training in Latin language
(B) to cope with matters of textual criticism
(C) to get accustomed with the peculiarities of poetic language, especially with metre
(D) to improve their ability of critical approach to literary texts
(E) to recognize the generic peculiarities and exploit them as an intperpretation tool
(F) to estimate and exploit the broader contexts (such as historical environment and literary evolution) of a text as valuable intrpretation tools
(G) to come to grips with a substantial part of the history of Latin literature by acquiring basic knowledge for various literary genres of Latin poetry.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The lesson concerns various genres of Latin poetry except of epic and drama. The students are familiarized with one of these genres, depending on the audience they belong to. There is an introductory presentation concerning the main authors and works as also the evolution of each genre in Latin literature.
The most important part of the lesson focuses on a specific text of lyric or elegiac or epigrammatic or satiric poetry, used as a case study for the application of various critical approaches. Although the language training and working on textual problems are still an essential part of the teaching, now the emphasis is shifted to the acquaintance with the poetic language (meter, style etc.), to the generic code and to interpretative issues.
For the 2013-14 acad. year the following texts are taught in two different groups alphabetically divided, according the statutes and ordinances of the Department:
Horace, Odes (D. Nikitas)
Catullus (L. Tromaras)
The specific content and learning outcomes of the lesson that is taught in each group can be found at http://www.lit.auth.gr/en/node/1280.
latin poetry, Catullus, Horace, Vergil, Ovid, History of Roman literature
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Λ. Τρομάρας, Κάτουλλος, Θεσ/νικη 2001.
Κ. Γρόλλιου, Οράτιος, Οι Ωδές, Αθήνα 1986κεξξ.