Learning Outcomes
Students will have the necessary knowledge for the study, design and construction of drainage networks. They will have the ability to the calculate the distance between drains and also to calculate the discharge capability of drains and the required trench
Course Content (Syllabus)
Basic principles of drainage of soils. Hydraulic load. Hydraulic conductivity.Darcy's Law . Continuity equation. Mathematical models. Boundary conditions. Dupuit Assumptions . Laplace Equations . Numerical solution. Steady drainage of soils. (Parallel ditches over impervious substrate. THOOGHOUT equation. Assumptions of DUPUIT. Equations and nomograph of TOKSOZ and KIRKHAM. Equations of GLOVER - DUMM. Specification of drainage pipes. (Tubular drains. Hydraulics calculation of drains. jackets of tubular drains . Shells of tubular drains or filters. Construction techniques. drainage ditches. Hydraulic calculations. Designing a drainage network that flows into the natural recipient with gravity or mechanical pumping). Effects on the environment.