Learning Outcomes
Learning the basic concepts of transport economics. Understanding the concept of cost analysis. Understanding the concept of value of time and the accident cost. Understanding the concept of external cost in the transport sector. Understanding the concept of pricing for the use of transport infrastructure. Learning methods of the determination of costs and benefits for transport projects. Learning Cost – Benefit Analysis (CBA) and sensitivity analysis. Learning financial – economic analysis on transport projects. Understanding specifications for feasibility studies of transport projects. Understanding public and private sector partnerships (PPPs). Learning of Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) techniques and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities και Threats (SWOT) analysis. Learning of Stated and Revealed Preference methods.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Procedures and methods of the ex-ante / ex-post evaluation of feasibility and viability of transport projects. Determination of construction and operational cost of transport projects – parameters of cost. Technical and economic approach: basic concepts, principles and tools. Financing construction and operation: public funding, private funding, public and private sector partnerships (PPPs) – national and international case studies. Pricing of transport projects: fares, tolls, tariffs. SWOT analysis. Stated and Revealed Preference surveys.