Course Content (Syllabus)
1.Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering. Types of materials. 2. Atomic bonding (covalent, ionic, metallic, secondary bonds). 3. Crystal structure of metals and alloys (unit cell, crystal systems and Bravais lattices, principal metallic crystal structures). 4. Indices of lattice planes and directions in cubic unit cells. 5. Indices of lattice planes and directions in HCP. Comparison of FCC, HCP and BCC crystal structures. 6. Crystalline imperfections in cubic unit cells, Unit cell density. 7. Equilibrium phase diagrams, Single component, Solid solutions). 8. Equilibrium Phase diagrams in binary systems (complete solid solubility, lever rule, eutectic phase diagrams). 9. The Fe-C system, Introduction to ternary phase diagrams). 10. Solidification. Nucleation and Growth, Casting, Segregation. 11. Mechanical and thermal processing of metals (cold and hot working, extrusion, forging, phase transformations, fabrication processes, precipitation processes, annealing processes, recovery, recrystallization and grain growth). 12. Mechanical properties of metals (stress and strain, tensile test, hardness and hardness testing). 13. Engineering materials (steels, cast irons, copper alloys, light metals. 14.Ttitanium alloys, Zn alloys, Pb alloys, superalloys.
Additional bibliography for study
- Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, William D. Callister Jr., John Wiley and Sons; 8th edition, 2010
- Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering, William F. Smith, Javad Hashemi, McGraw-Hill, 5 edition, 2009
- The Science and Engineering of Materials, Donald R. Askeland, Cengage Learning; 6 edition, 2010