Learning Outcomes
The student is familiarized with the following issues:
-Ordinary differnetial equations, Legendre, Laguerre, Hermite, Bessel polynomials
- Differential equation with partial derivatives, Poisson, Laplace, Helmholtz, Schroedinger, Dirac, Maxwell, diffusion, wave and thermal flow equation.
- Charpit and Jacobi method for solving linear system of differntial equations with partial derivatives,
- Integral transformations. Beta, Gamma, Delta, Green functions
- APplication of numerical and analytical methods with the use of Mathematica, Fortan, C++ for solving problems in theoretical and applied physics.
Course Content (Syllabus)
-Ordinary differnetial equations, Legendre, Laguerre, Hermite, Bessel polynomials
- Differential equation with partial derivatives, Poisson, Laplace, Helmholtz, Schroedinger, Dirac, Maxwell, diffusion, wave and thermal flow equation.
- Charpit and Jacobi method for solving linear system of differntial equations with partial derivatives,
- Integral transformations. Beta, Gamma, Delta, Green functions
- APplication of numerical and analytical methods with the use of Mathematica, Fortan, C++ for solving problems in theoretical and applied physics.