Learning Outcomes
The following ones are defined as learning outcomes: a) knowledge of ADR processes, b) students are expected to participate actively at the education proceedings, c) the main target of the course is to connect theory and practice on mediation and to contribute to the development of ADR methods in Greece, d) future lawyers and judges become familiar with the latest developments in ADR at an early stage, e) elaboration of mediation procedure, f) assimilation of the above in order to confront with practical issues through tutorials and g) written (or) oral tests to check if the above goals have been achieved.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Α.D.R methods (Mediation, Arbitration, Conciliation).
In most civil law countries the state of administration of justice is a source for concern, mainly due to a substantial increase in delays. This situation gives rise to the development of alternative dispute resolution methods. Towards a better understanding of ADR processes, this optional course covers:
Α. Mediation at international and national level and specifically:1. EuDirective 2008/52 EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28.5.2008 on certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters, 2. Law 3898/2010 ( Greek mediation Act), 3. P.D. 123/2011 and 4. M.D 1460/2012 (renumeration of mediators). Apart from the theoretical analysis of Mediation, the students are expected to participate actively at the education proceedings. Therefore, accredited mediators are invited to present their personal experience on their training, the mediation procedure and its future in Greece.
B. Arbitration at international and national level and specifically: 1. Articles 867 ff of the Greek Code of Civil Procedure and 2. The New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of foreign arbitral awards (1958)
C. Judicial and extra-judicial conciliation.