Learning Outcomes
The course is intended to provide fundamental knowledge on the physical layer of semiconductor materials and devices.
By the end of the course, the student
-should be familiar with basic concepts of quantum mechanics, crystallography and solid state physics related to semiconductor properties,
-should be able to explain the behavior of metal-semiconductor, semiconductor-semiconductor and oxide-semiconductor junctions
-should be able to describe the physical functions of basic semiconductor devices (diodes, transistors, etc)
Course Content (Syllabus)
Elements of semiconductor theory: Fundamentals. Conductivity of semiconductors. Extrinsic semiconductors. Non-equilibrium conditions. Measurement of semiconductor properties.
Principles of semiconductor devices: Fabrication technology. p-n junction, p-n diodes. Bipolar junction transistor. Junction FET. MOS transistor
semiconductors, semiconductor materials, semiconductor devices, p-n junction, transistor
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
"Αρχές Ηλεκτρονικών Υλικών και Διατάξεων", S.O.Kasap, εκδόσεις Παπασωτηρίου.
"Εισαγωγή στις Διατάξεις Ημιαγωγών", D.Niemen, εκδόσεις Φούντας
"Αγώγιμες ιδιότητες των ηλεκτροτεχνικών υλικών" Σπύρου Νικόλαος, εκδόσεις Τζιόλα
Additional bibliography for study
• Physics of Semiconductor Devices, J.P. Colinge, C.A. Colinge, 2002
• J.Allison : Electronic Engineering Materials and Devices
• D.H.Navon: Electronic Materials and Devices
• L.Solymar & D.Walsh: Lectures on the Electrical Properties of Materials
• R.Colclaser & S.Diehl-Nagl: Materials and Devices
• E.S.Yang: Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices
• B.Streetman: Solid State Electronic Devices
• A.S.Grove: Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices
• S.Sze: Physics of Semiconductor Devices