Learning Outcomes
After the successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1) Analyze and design dc/dc switching buck converters that satisfy certain design criteria.
2) Analyze and design dc/dc switching boost converters that satisfy certain design criteria.
3) Analyze and design dc/dc switching buck-boost converter that satisfy certain design criteria.
4) Analyze and design-by implementing various PWM techniques- dc/ac switching inverters that satisfy certain design criteria.
5) realize the interdependences among two or more of the above switching converter operating in the same power grid.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Dc/dc buck-boost converters. Dc/dc Cuk buck-boost converter. Full-bridge dc/dc converter. Various PWM techniques for dc to ac conversion (sinousoidal PWM, square-wave modulation, voltage cancellation, introduction of voltage notches, etc). Single-phase, full-bridge dc/ac switching inverter. Three-phase, full-bridge dc/ac switching inverter. Single-phase flyback converter.