Learning Outcomes
Students that complete the course are expected to:
• Gain a basic understanding of aesthetic issues of electroacoustic music
• Understand issues pertaining to the creative use of digital technology in electronic music composition
• Know how to process and transform initial sound materials into musical sound structures
• Use simple sound editing programs for creative processing and mixing of sounds (Audacity/REAPER)
• Get acquainted with fundamental sound synthesis techniques (additive, subtractive, AM/FM synthesis, granular synthesis, etc.) through the use of appropriate software applications (Cecilia, Spear)
• Be able to compose a short electroacoustic work
• Incorporate creative music applications in educational contexts
Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction (historical overview, current trends). Digital sound and sound analysis. Elementary sound generators/controllers (oscillators, noise, envelope, LFOs). Basic sound processing and mixing techniques. Additive synthesis (analysis and resynthesis). Subtractive synthesis. FM/AM synthesis. Granular synthesis. Other sound synthesis techniques. Compositional strategies. Software: Audacity/Reaper, Cecilia, SPEAR. Educational applications. Individual meetings with students for the preparation of their three-minute electroacoustic music compositions to be submitted at the end of the course, accompanied by a written report that explains theoretical and practical aspects and processes for the creation of the e/a composition.
Additional bibliography for study
Collins, N. (2010) Introduction to Computer Music. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, U.K.
Λώτης, Θ. και Διαμαντόπουλος Τ. (2004) Μουσική πληροφορική και μουσική με υπολογιστές, Κάλλιπος. https://repository.kallipos.gr/handle/11419/4920
Dodge C. & Jerse T.A. (1985) Computer Music: Synthesis, Composition and Performance. Schirmer Books, New York.
Miranda E. R. (1998) Coputer Sound Design: Synthesis Techniques and Programming. Focal Press, Oxford.
Roads, C. (1996) The Computer Music Tutorial. The MIT Press, Cambridge (Ma).
Roads C. (2002) Microsound. The MIT Press, Cambridge (Ma).
Russ M. (2004) Sound Synthesis and Sampling. Second Edition. Focal Press, Oxford.