Title | ΜΟΡΙΑΚΗ ΒΕΛΤΙΩΣΗ ΚΑΙ ΒΙΟΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΑ / Molecular Breeding and Biotechnology |
Code | GPP101 |
Faculty | Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment |
School | Agriculture |
Cycle / Level | 2nd / Postgraduate, 3rd / Doctorate |
Teaching Period | Winter |
Coordinator | Alexios Polidoros |
Common | Yes |
Status | Active |
Course ID | 600017381 |
Orientation | Attendance Type | Semester | Year | ECTS |
KORMOS - Ypochreōtiká & Epilogīs | Compulsory Course | 1 | 1 | 8 |
Academic Year | 2019 – 2020 |
Class Period | Winter |
Faculty Instructors |
Instructors from Other Categories |
Weekly Hours | 65 |
Class ID | 600158389