Learning Outcomes
Students should be familiar with the historical development of the notion of human dignity and be able to understand contemporary philosophical debates concerning its nature, its justification and its scope.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The notion of dignity enjoyed huge popularity after the end of WWII and now is regarded as a moral and constitutional value that is central to every liberal democracy.However, there are philosophical disagreements concerning its understanding, given its long history and its application in completely different contexts. In this seminar we follow the historical development of the term from Roman dignitas to Immanuel Kant, we discuss contemporary philosophical approaches to it (Waldron, Kateb) as well as its role in constitutional law and bioethics.
Additional bibliography for study
Π. Κονδύλης, Περί Αξιοπρέπειας, Αθήνα 2000.
M. Duwell et. al. (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Human Dignity, Cambridge 2014.
J. Waldron, Dignity, Rank and Rights, Oxford 2012.
P. Sourlas, "Human Dignity and the Constitution", Jurisprudence 7 (2016): 30-46.