General Prerequisites
Environmental Informatics (EI) is the science of information and communication technologies applied to environmental engineering problems. It is an interdisciplinary domain incorporating fields like data oriented analysis and modelling, internet and geo-location technologies, internet of things and participatory sensing. Thus, EI should be considered as an integrator of science, methods and techniques and not just the result of using information and software technology methods and tools for serving environmental engineering needs.
Students are expected to have prior knowledge of scientific computations and programming in environments like Matlab. Students fluent in matrix algebra and calculus will find the course more easy, while those having a background in Internet-oriented programming will be able to work on related fields.
Prerequisites: Informatics-Computer programming (literacy in the use of Matlab or other computational environment), Linear Algebra, Statistics, Multi-variable Calculus)
Learning Outcomes
Ability to analyze environmental data and extract relevant knowledge with the aid of computational environments like Matlab or WEKA. Data oriented modelling. Design of environmental information services by applying basic principles of user requirements and user oriented design. Acquire knowledge on IC technologies for environmental applications (Internet of things, participatory sensing, etc)
Course Content (Syllabus)
Computational Intelligence with emphasis on Mechanical Engineering problems for the management of environment and energy. Methods for the analysis of environmental data and time series. Decision Trees; Artificial Neural Networks; Clustering. Environmental Informatics Systems and Internet Technologies. Environmental Information Services.
environmental information services, computational intellgence, data oriented modelling, smart environmental and energy management