Learning Outcomes
Describe the fundamentals of modern process control systems including the needs and incentives for process control and its applications.
Understand the concept and use of feedback controllers (i.e., P, PI, PID).
Analyze the dynamic response of systems under feedback control.
Perform controllers tuning using fundamental and approximate process models.
Demonstrate a conceptual understanding of complex control structures (e.g., feedforward
control, cascade control, multivariable process control, etc.).
Use software tools such as MATLAB, SIMULINK to design and evaluate open‐loop and
closed‐loop dynamic systems.
Course Content (Syllabus)
1. Controllers, measuring devices (sensors) and final control elements
2. Closed-loop transfer functions
3. Dynamic behavior of closed-loop processes
4. Stability of process control systems
5. The root locus diagram
6. Use of root-locus in process control
7. Frequency response analysis
8. Use of frequency response analysis in process control
9. Tuning of a PID controller
10. Control of multiple-input multiple-output systems
11. Cascade control - control of processes in series
12. Feed-forward process control
Feedforward control, feedback control, closed-loop control, block diagram, PID tuning
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Έλεγχος Διεργασιών 1η έκδοση, Νταουτίδης Π., Μαστρογεωργόπουλος Σπ., Παπαδοπούλου Σημ. εκδόσεις Α. ΤΖΙΟΛΑ &
YΙΟΙ Α.Ε. (2012),ISBN: 978-960-418-390-6 / [κωδικός Eύδοξος: 22722697]
2. Σύγχρονα Συστήματα Αυτόματου Ελέγχου 13η έκδοση (μετάφραση), Richard D. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop, εκδόσεις Α.
ΤΖΙΟΛΑ & ΥΙΟΙ Α.Ε. (2010), ISBN: 978-960-418-704-1 / [κωδικός εύδοξος: 59396181]
3. Συστήματα Αυτόματου Ελέγχου1η έκδοση (μετάφραση: Φ. Κοκαβέσης), Raymond T. Stefani, Bahram Shahian, Clement
J. Savant, JR, Gene H. Hostetter, εκδόσεις ΕΠΙΚΕΝΤΡΟ (2012)ISBN: 978-960-458-334-8 / [κωδικός εύδοξος:
Additional bibliography for study
1. Process Dynamics and Control, D.E. Seborg, T.F. Edgar, D.A Mellichamp, F.J. Doyle III,John Wiley & Sons, 3rd
Edition, 2011. ISBN: 978‐0‐470‐64610‐6
2. Process Dynamics, Modeling and Control, B. A. Ogunnaike-W.Harmon Ray, Oxford University Press, N.Y. (1994)
3. Process Control, T.E. Marlin, McGraw‐Hill, Singapore (2000)