Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students shall be able to:
- Manage and work with geospatial data and technologies, with emphasis on the integrated management of drainage basins and coastal areas
Course Content (Syllabus)
Fundamental notions of geospatial technologies and Digital Cartography, (measurements, errors, accuracy-reliability, geodetic coordinate reference systems and cartographic projections).
Databases and Geographical Information Systems/GIS. Introduction, processing and data analysis in two and three dimensions. GIS toolboxes and extensions.Digital Elevation Models/DEMs; production, validation and applications.
Remote Sensing; satellite images and other space-based Earth observation data, aerial and ground-based Remote Sensing (UAVs/drones, LiDAR). Spatial, spectral, radiometric and temporal analysis of remotely sensed data.Elements of Photogrammetry. Applications.
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS); receivers, methods, applications.
Synergy of geospatial and other information. Application of geospatial technologies in practice (retrieval, measuring, processing and data analysis, extraction of results and conclusions).
Geospatial Technologies, GIS, Remote Sensing, GNSS