Learning Outcomes
Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Fundamental information (Cartography, digital map, in Databases (DBMS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Import, store, and manage spatial data in a GIS environment. Decision-making in a GIS environment. Exercises and application to environmental problems.
Environmental Impact Studies (EIS). Definition of environmental impacts, Categories of EIA
reports, Categorization of projects and activities. Phases of the preparation of an EIS. – Recognition, anticipation and impact assessment. Modification of environmental rules, EIA process (screening, scoping, EIA report preparation), Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment. Methods for the identification and forecasting of environmental impacts – The legislative framework for S.EIS. in Greece and other European countries. Examples of SMEs for environmental impact assessment
Course Content (Syllabus)
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1.should be able to apply knowledge acquired as well as methods and tools taught, for analyzing the environmental impacts of a project/activity and for compiling the draft of a relevant study, following EU legislation.
2. know the basic principles GIS and the main applications in environmental chemistry
3. be familiar with the common sources of geographic data
4. handle the main tools and softwares of GIS systems for environmental applications
GIS, geographic models, importing and exporting geographical data, data formats, analyzing geographic information, environmental applications.