Learning Outcomes
The students after the completion of the course will know:
1. The laws of Newton and especially the equation of motion.
2. The work of a force and when the mechanical energy is conserved.
3. The theory of hormonic oscillations and the behaviour of various solutions.
4. Central forces, the equivalent one-dimensional motion and the limits of motion.
5. The orbits of the law of gravitation.
6. The laws of Kepler for th motion of the planets.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Veloity and accelaration of a point mass. Newton's laws. Inertial systems. Special law of Galileo;w relativity. Universal law of gravitation. Axiom of conservation of the momentum and the angular momentum. Work and kinetic energy. Forces that are produced by a potential. The theorem of conservation of energy. Integrals of motion.
One degree of freedom systems. Limits of the motion. Harmonic oscillation. Harmonic oscillation with resistance. Forced oscillations-resonance.
Cental forces. Integrals of momentum and angular momentum. Equivalent one-dimensional motion (effective potential). Differential equations of motion. Differential equations of second order with respect to time. Differental equation of second order with respect to the angle, differential equation of first order. Limits of the motion. Circular orbits. Stability of circular orbits. Attracting forces inverse proportional to the square of the distance. Equations of the obits. Escape velocity. Laws of Kepler for the motion of the planets.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Θεωρητική Μηχανική, τ. Α και Β, Ι.Δ. Χατζηδημητρίου, Εκδόσεις Γιαχούδη, 2000
Εισαγωγή στη Θεωρητική Μηχανική, Κ.Χ. Τσίγκανος, Εκδόσεις Αθ. Σταμούλης, 2004
Additional bibliography for study
Κλασική Μηχανική, T. W.B. Kibble, F.H. Berkshire, Παν. Εκδόσεις Κρήτης, 2012
Φυσική για επιστήμονες και Μηχανικούς, τ. 1, R.A. Serway, J.W. Jewett, Κλειδάριθμος, 2012