Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course students will:
•be able to understand the chemical behavior of organometallic compounds and their role in industrial catalytic processes.
•be able to collect, evaluate, organize and present orally scientific information.
Course Content (Syllabus)
General principles, characteristic properties of organometallic compounds, formation of metal-carbon bonds. Structure, reactivity and applications of different classes of organometallic compounds. Role of organometallic compounds in some reactions with applications of industrial interest, catalysis. Synthetic organic reactions catalyzed by metals. Catalytic hydrogenation and oxidation. Mo and Ru catalysts in alkene metathesis reactions. RCM, ROMP, Cross metathesis. Organometallic compounds of Cu. Organometallic compounds of Pd. Heck-reaction, Suzuki-reaction, Pauson-Khand-reaction. Stille-couplin. Other organometallic reactions.
Synthesis of organometallic compounds, properties of organometallic compounds, reactivity and applications organometallics, catalysis