Learning Outcomes
1. Step-by-step learning of a design flow for digital VLSI circuits starting from synthesis all the way to routing and sign-off.
2. Application of concepts and principles for timing analysis of digital VLSI circuits.
3. Learning of design techniques for low-power circuits at multiple layers of the design abstraction.
4. Familiarization with the issue of clock signal distribution and related clock tree synthesis algorithms.
5. Familiarization with the fundamental circuits and design methods of SRAM memory.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course material is organized in ten sections comprising:
1. Introduction / Definitions / Terminology
2. Design Techniques for Low-Power Digital Circuits
3. Static Timing Analysis (STA)
4. Partition
5. Floorplanning
6. Placement
7. Routing
8. Clock Distribution Networks and Clock Tree Synthesis
9. Design for Testability (DFT)
10. SRAM Memory Design and organization
For each of these sections, examples and related algorithms are presented wherever necessary.
The lab practicals include the use of Cadence IC design tools where the students are required to apply different steps of the design flow to a digital circuit using the provided lab manual.
design flow, floorplanning, placement, static timing analysis, lower power consumption, digital integrated circuits
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Andrew B. Kahng, Jens Lienig, Igor L. Markov, and Jin Hu, "VLSI Physical Design: From Graph Partitioning to Timing Closure," Springer, 2011 (κεφ. 1-5, 7, 8 και διαθέσιμο στον Εύδοξο).
Additional bibliography for study
Hubert Kaeslin, "Top-Down Digital VLSI Design From Architectures to Gate-Level Circuits and FPGAs," Morgan Kaufmann Publishers - Elsevier, 2015 (κεφ. 1, 7).
Bruce Jacob, David Wang, and Spencer Ng, "Memory Systems: Cache, DRAM, Disk," Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007 (κεφ. 5).
Διανέμονται, επίσης, σημειώσεις εν είδη διαφανειών και σχετικών σημειώσεων καθώς και εγχειρίδια για τις εργαστηριακές ασκήσεις.