Learning Outcomes
Through the course the student discovers the applied field of school Physical Education (P.E.) and in addition is given the opportunity to develop and apply a wide range of motor activities.
This field includes Primary and Secondary education, and aims to enable the student to write programs for the course of physical education in the two basic stages of education.
After the completion of the class students will be able to:
• To design and adapt a daily program of P.E., which on the one hand will correspond to the curriculum of P.E. for both levels of education and on the other hand it will contain original elements of exercise, which will correspond to the characteristics of the students in each grade.
• To apply and execute all practical instructions in an applied field.
• To be able to recognize, distinguish and relate the thematic objects of the course of P.E. (according to the respective curricula) in the two (basic) levels of education
• To be able to meet the requirements of teaching in the FA.
• To be able to present in a written and practical way the elements of teaching in the two levels of education
Course Content (Syllabus)
- Knowledge and ways of developing basic motor skills (walking, running, hobbies, laps, gallops, sliding), handling (throwing, receiving, hitting, kicking and stopping), stabilization (landing, stopping, changing direction)
- Basic motor skills exploration activities ideas through the concepts of effort (power, time, flow), space (level direction, field) and relationship (with associate, with objects and combinatorics).
- Knowledge and development of the methods of basic motor skills training (partial and total method, mass and distributed method, grouped and random method, variable and fixed method)
- Development of perceptual abilities (sensitivity, vision, hearing, touch, coordination)
- Development of physical abilities (strength, endurance, speed, flexibility) freely or in circular training
- Getting to know and use the range of teaching styles in Physical Education
- Types of playing and their use in the Physical Education lesson
- Development of non-verbal communication. Development of creativity
- School assessment
- Structure of a daily physical education course in Primary and Secondary Education and sample of such a course
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
• Bielenberg Kiersten (Kiwi), Λεβεντάκης Χαράλαμπος, Επιμ. Κοντού Μαρία, Ελληνούδης Θεόδωρος (2020). Δραστηριότητες και παιχνίδια για όλους στο μάθημα της φυσικής αγωγής. UNIVERSITY STUDIO PRESS - ΑΝΩΝΥΜΟΣ ΕΤΑΙΡΙΑ ΓΡΑΦΙΚΩΝ ΤΕΧΝΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΕΚΔΟΣΕΩΝ
• Διγγελίδης Νικόλαος, Παπαιωάννου Αθανάσιος, (2016). Για ένα ενδιαφέρον μάθημα φυσικής αγωγής στο δημοτικό σχολείο. Εκδόσεις ΚΥΡΙΑΚΙΔΗ.
• Donelly Frances Cleland, Mueller S. Suzanne, Gallahue L. David, Επιμ. Τσορμπατζούδης Χαράλαμπος, Ευαγγελινού Χριστίνα, Μτφρ. Σοκοδήμου Υβόννη, Βαρλάμη Χριστίνα, (2019). Αναπτυξιακή φυσική αγωγή για όλα τα παιδιά. UNIVERSITY STUDIO PRESS