Learning Outcomes
This course provides an overview of the global change due to natural and anthropogenic factors. It develops the skills needed for conducting research on these topics, with emphasis on the interpretation of qualitative and quantitative observational and model data. Students acquire skills that include in-depth understanding (and writing) scientific papers, oral presentations, and independent research.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Atmospheric and oceanic variability and change on a global scale. Large scale oscillations and teleconnections. Mechanisms, magnitude and time scales of changes, natural and anthropogenic. Internal variability and change in the Earth-atmosphere system.
Additional bibliography for study
Σημειωσεις απο διαλέξεις
Επιλεγμενα αρθρα για συγρονα θεματα, Aseessment Reports (πχ. IPCC Scientific Reports)
Global Warming: The complete briefing, John Houghton, Cambridge Univ. Press
Αtmospheric Chemistry and Global Change, 1999, Brasseur, Orlando and Tyndall eds, Oxford University Press