Learning Outcomes
By successfully attending the class, students will be able to:
- to understand the basic concepts of structure and function of urban and peri urban space
- to understand the spatial organization of urban systems and its correlation with urban planning and urban plans
- to conduct on-site research to record land uses in urban and periurban areas
- to compose field data and secondary data, in the context of urban analysis
- to make maps depicting current situation (analysis maps), for various scales of the space (from city to urban scale)
to become familiar with basic tools for analysis and diagnosis of urban development and urban planning.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The basic components that will be taught are: urban planning as a tool for organizing and regulating space. Scope and content of urban development plans. Urban, suburban and countryside areas, built-up areas with and without a binding plan. Basic structural elements of an urban settlement. Land uses and urban functions. Networks and urban form. The concept of neighborhood-“urban unit” and basic elements for its planning. Field research in urban planning. Estimation of basic statistical data used in urban planning.
The course is organized in two sections, a) lectures that cover basic theoretical, practical and methodological urban planning issues and b) elaboration of a spatial plan that refers to a Municipality’s geographical area. The elaboration of such a plan is based on secondary sources as well as on field research and recording of basic development data, spatial data, urban form, trends of urban and suburban development, and analysis of settlements’ urban structure.
The project is conducted in stages and with a common methodology for all study groups. It is of great importance that the students will get familiar with data recording and processing techniques in regard to urban, suburban and countryside areas as well as with the synthesis of different methods and data sources in various spatial scales.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Αραβαντινός Α., Πολεοδομικός Σχεδιασμός, Εκδόσεις Συμμετρία, εκδ. 2007
Οικονόμου Δ. , Πετράκος Γ. (1999) Η Ανάπτυξη των Ελληνικών πόλεων, Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Θεσσαλίας
Χριστοδούλου, Χ. (2015) Τοπία αστική διάχυσης. Αστικοποίηση και Πολεοδομικός Σχεδιασμός. Η περιφέρεια της Θεσσαλονίκης. Θεσσαλονίκη: University Studio Press