Learning Outcomes
Students are expected to take the course
• understand the combined utilization of Geoinformatics sciences for the creation, management, storage and use of information with the aim of spatial analysis and planning in urban, spatial and / or environmental studies.
• can make optimal use of maps of different projection systems, timeless aerial photographs of a variety of scales and satellite images and measurements with GPS.
• deepen in issues of digital transformations, georeferencing of data in EGSA87, spectral processing of telescopic data, collection of descriptive data, creation and maintenance of geographical database, 2D, 2.5D and 3D imaging in specialized urban, spatial and environmental studies.
• further trained in GIS, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry software.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Combined use of geoinformatics for the creation, management, storage and use of information to the spatial analysis and planning. Maps of different projection systems, diachronic aerial photographs and satellite images, measurements with GPS, digital transformations and corrections, geo-referenced data EGSA '87, spectral remote sensing data processing, descriptive data collection, geographic databases creation and maintenance, distributed GIS, entropy, Principal Components, imaging themes 2D and 2.5D in urban planning, land management and environmental studies.
The working groups select and prepare during the entire semester a study of their choice (in Spatial Planning, Development and / or Environmental nature). The teams work with the teacher, and correct stages of their study during the entire semester. At the end of the semester, completing the 13 weekly lessons, and during the examinations, the teams deliver electronic files of their study (including the technical report and the electronic presentation) and interviewed on general topics Geoinformatics and related topics to their study, an open audience.