Learning Outcomes
Learn how exercise can be used as prevention and diagnosis of chronic diseases. The student will study how to modify the exercise training programmes in patients with chronic diseases, so that exercise is safe and effective for these patients. Exercise prescription programmes and case studies will be introduced. At the end of the course, the student will be able to design exercise programmes for cardiac patients, for patients with diabetes (type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes), hypertension, pulmonary diseases, and other chronic diseases.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Chronic diseases - Introduction to the pathophysiology of pulmonary diseases, diabetes, and obesity- Exercise and cardiac rehabilitation (phases I-IV) - Cardiac Hypertrophy - Exercise prescription in patients with : diabetes, hypertension, pulmonary diseases, cardiac diseases, and metabolic syndrome, pregnancy. Case study : Presentation of an individualized exercise prescription program by a the students, working in groups of 5 students.
diabetes and exercise, cardiovascular rehabilitation, hypertension and exercise, pulmonary rehabilitation
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Η άσκηση ως θεραπεία. Δεληγιάννης Αστέριος, Κουϊδή Ευαγγελία. University Studio Press 201; ISBN 978-960-12-2446-6
2. ACSM αξιολόγηση σχεδιασμός προγραμμάτων άσκησης 9η έκδοση (Επιμελητής Ι. Βράμπας, Ν Γελαδάς, Α Τζιαμούρτας, Ι Φατούρος) 2017; ISBN 978-996-3716-852
3. Άσκηση και χρόνιες παθήσεις, Τοκμακίδης Σάββας, Παναγιώτης Κ.ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΠΑΣΧΑΛΙΔΗΣ/BROKEN HILL PUBLISHERS LTD; ISBN 978-960-399-0796
(1. Exercise as therapy. Deligiannis A, Kouidi E. University Studio Press 2021; ISBN 978-960-12-2446-6
2. ACSM exercise testing and prescription 9th 2017; ISBN 978-996-3716-852
3. Exercise and chronic disease, Tokmakidis s, Publisher Pasxalidis/BROKEN HILL PUBLISHERS LTD; ISBN 978-960-399-07964.
4. Current research articles suggested by the course instructor)