Learning Outcomes
Students are expected to take the course
• Understand the theory and basic concepts of Remote Sensing, imaging satellite systems, the characteristics of digital satellite imagery, their spatial, spectral and radiometric resolution, the geometry, the numerical operations, the classification and classification of
• connect theory with practice through the use of Remote Sensing software and the processing of satellite images: geometric image correction, composite image creation, control of preservation of original spectral information, classification of images into urban, spatial and / or environmental applications.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction-Applications, Basic Concepts, electromagnetic spectrum, mapping Satellites & Recording Systems, Digital features of satellite imagery, spatial and radiometric resolution capability, sampling, digital image and its geometry, arithmetic of Images (Filters etc), Geometric and radiometric corrections, image improvements and transformations, image Classification - Algorithms, Remote Sensing and photo-interpretation of Digital Image, photo interpretation features, Photointerpretation of cover-land uses. Practical applications in various Department disciplines.