Learning Outcomes
The main objective of this course is to equip students with the knowledge concerning the epidemiologic features of CMD, the basic mechanisms underlying pain and dysfunction in the craniofacial region, the structural, physiologic, pathologic, psycho logic and social factors contributing to CMD and orofacial pain, the evaluation of case history and findings of clinical examination, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of patients with CMD.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Fundamental knowledge on physiology, biochemistry, biomechanics of the temporomandibular joint. Introduction to pathology and common terminology in CMD . Case history (anamnestic, medical, dental), clinical examination methodology. Epidemiological assessment and classification of patients. Diagnosis of the various disorders and differential diagnosis (causative factors, risk factors, patient clinical profiling, collection and evaluation of diagnostic data). Analysis of clinical indicators, assessment of clinical significance. Rheumatological investigation, radiographic examination techniques, coordination of patient treatment with other medical specialties. Treatment options, prognosis and concurrent follow-up.
Additional bibliography for study
Okeson JP. Management of temporomandibular disorders and occlusion, Elsevier, ST louis 2012, 7th ed.
Γαρέφης Π. Κλινική Φυσιολογία στοματογναθικού συστήματος. Φωτοτυπωτική, Θεσσαλονίκη 1986 (σελ 187-293 και 443-509).
Ζαρίφη Α, Κοκοτή Μ, Καλτσίδης Γ. Συγκλεισιακή εξισορρόπηση: σκοπός και μεθοδολογία. ΣΤΟΜΑ, 2010; 38: 77 - 82
Τορτοπίδης Δ, Ζουλούμης Λ, Τοπουζέλης Ν. Νάρθηκας σύγκλεισης: ενδείξεις, σχεδίαση και κλινική αποτελεσματικότητα, ΣΤΟΜΑ, 2010; 38:101 - 10