Learning Outcomes
Students are expected to
• understand the basic principles and the special way of approaching music education for preschool children
• approach with selected music pedagogical methods both theoretically and experientially the basic forms of musical expression and musical concepts
• cultivate their personal musical skills through the creative use of voice and body, sound objects and simple rhythmic and melodic musical instruments
• assimilate and integrate creatively the musical knowledge in small group musical compositions through gradual support
• become familiar with the design and organization of musical activities for the kindergarten
• understand the pedagogical attitude and the teacher role in encouraging children's musical creativity and expression
Course Content (Syllabus)
Familiarity in an experiential way with the content and methodology of teaching music in preschool education, which is necessary before the Internship in kindergarten.
The course develops in two axes:
Theoretical part
a) Through discussion based on international research findings and pioneering applications in the field of music pedagogy in preschool education, an attempt is made to understand children’s ways of communicating musically as well as the nature of the music they create,
b) The basic forms of musical expression (listening-performance-improvisation and composition) and selected music educational views that support them are presented.
c) The role of the teacher for a child-centered and interactive view of music education is presented, while supporting the process of discovering sounds and the development of critical and reflective thinking.
Practical Part
a) Direct student participation in musical activities and musical games to engage with musical concepts and music pedagogical methods
b) Learning through group participation
c) Contact with group music creation
music in preschool age, musical development, musical creativity, musical communication, reflection, musical games
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
(1) Δογάνη, Κ. (2012) Μουσική στην προσχολική ηλικία: αλληλεπίδραση παιδιού-παιδαγωγού, Αθήνα: Gutenberg.
(2) Green, L. (2014) Άκουσε και Παίξε! Αθήνα: Fagotto.
e-book: Young, S. & Ilari, B. (2019) Music in Early Childhood [electronic resource], Springer International Publishing https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-030-17791-1
Additional bibliography for study
Barrett, M. (2003), Meme engineers: Children as producers of musical culture, International Journal of Early Years Education, 11, 3: 195-212.
Barrett, M. S. (2011), Towards a cultural psychology of music education, in: M. S. Barrett (Ed.) A cultural psychology of music education, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-16.
Young, S. (2003), Time-space structuring in spontaneous play in educational percussion instruments among three- and four-year-olds, British Journal of Music Education, 20, 1: 45-49.
Δογάνη, Κ. (2009α), Ο αναστοχασμός ως μέσο ενδυνάμωσης του εκπαιδευτικού μουσικής, στο: Ξ. Παπαπαναγιώτου (επιμ.), Ζητήματα Μουσικής Παιδαγωγικής, Θεσσαλονίκη: ΕΕΜΕ, σσ. 369-388.