Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course the students will be able to:
- Understand the principles of water flow towards drains
- determine the hydraulic parameters of the soils in relation to drainage.
- to compute the spacing of the drains under steady and unsteady flow conditions in homogeneous and layerd soils.
- to understand the basic principles of groundwater flow and properties of different types of aquifers
- to identify the boundary conditions of an aquifer
- to apply methods for parameter estimation of hydrogeologic parameters different types of aquifers under steady state of flow.
- to deal with groundwater simulation problems involving aquifers with boundary conditions under steady state conditions
- to calculate appropriate well distances and pumping rates under specified hydraulic constraints
- to select materials and mascinery for the construction and maintanance of pipe and ditch drainage networks.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Basic concepts and definitions. Classification and characteristics of soils. Classification of aquifers. Darcy’s law. Determination of hydraulic conductivity. Porosity and specific yield. Differential equations governing flow towards drains. Steady-state and unsteady-state drainage of homogeneous and stratified soils by parallel drains. Drainage criteria. Design, construction and maintenance of drainage systems. Steady-state flow of groundwater. Pumping tests in steady state flow. Groundwater exploitation by systems of pumping wells.
aquifers, groundwater flow, groundwater drainage, pipe drains, drainage ditches
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Δ. Καραμούζη, "Στραγγίσεις Εδαφών", Εκδόσεις Ζήτη, 2012
Δ. Καραμούζη, "Υδραυλική και Διαχείριση υπογείων υδάτων". Εκδόσεις Γραφημα, 2014