Learning Outcomes
Students will be in a position to describe various properties of the verb phrase and the sentence (in English and other languages) and to analyze them on the basis of various relevant theories.
More particularly, they should be in a position to identify the morphosyntactic properties of verbal categories and their interaction, to argue for or against particular analyses and to relate language data to linguistic theory. They should be in a position to develop their views in speech or in writing, making reference to both empirical and theoretical arguments.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Tense and Aspect are often discussed in terms of verbal morphology and are known to interact in predictable ways which affect the syntax and semantics of sentences. This course reviews a number of specific issues involved in the description of the relevant categories in English and raises a number of more general theoretical questions that relate to their cross-linguistic syntactic and semantic properties. The emphasis is placed on the syntactic effects of ‘tense’ choices, comparing the use of different verb forms in a number of syntactic environments in English, Greek and other languages. These include various types of main and subordinate clauses. Students will be required to analyze linguistic facts they are already familiar with in terms of well-defined theoretical predictions. Topics to be discussed include the following:
• Tense and Aspect Systems across languages
• Lexical Aspect and Grammatical Aspect: Definitions, Terminology, Interaction
• Theories of Tense, Definitions, Terminology
• The description of English ‘tenses’ (including categories such as the present, the preterite, the Perfect, the Progressive and the future)
• Interaction of Tense, Aspect and Modality
• Syntactic and semantic effects of TAM choices
• Grammaticalization theory and the area of TAM
• Complex categories / Beyond Tense and Aspect
Tense, Aspect, Mood, verbal categories, modality, Aktionsart
Additional bibliography for study
BINNICK, R. I. 1991. Time and the Verb: A Guide to Tense and Aspect. Oxford University Press.
BINNICK, R. I. 2006. “Aspect and Aspectuality.” In B. Aarts & A. McMahon (eds) The Handbook of English Linguistics. Blackwell, 244-268.
BYBEE, J. L. & Ο. DAHL. 1989. The Creation of Tense and Aspect Systems in the Languages of the World. Studies in Language 13.1: 51-103.
BYBEE, J. L., R. D. PERKINS & W. PAGLIUCA. 1994. The Evolution of Grammar: Tense, Aspect and Modality in the Languages of the World. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press.
COMRIE, B. 1976. Aspect. Cambridge University Press.
COMRIE, B. 1985. Tense. Cambridge University Press.
DAHL, O. 1985. Tense and Aspect Systems. Oxford: Blackwell.
DAHL, O. 2000. Tense and Aspect in the Languages of Europe. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
DECLERCK, R., (in cooperation with S. REED & B. CAPELLE). 2006. The grammar of the English verb phrase. Vol. 1: The grammar of the English tense system: A comprehensive analysis. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
DEPRAETERE, I. & C. LANGFORD. 2012. Advanced English Grammar: A Linguistic Approach. London & New York: Continuum.
DEPRAETERE, Ilse & S. REED. 2006. “Mood and Modality in English.” In B. Aarts & A. McMahon (eds) The Handbook of English Linguistics. Blackwell, 269-290.
DRYER, M. S. & M. HASPELMATH (eds.) 2013. The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. (Available online at http://wals.info).
HORNSTEIN, N. 1990. As Time Goes By: Tense in Universal Grammar. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
HUDDLESTON, R. 2002. The Verb. In R. HUDDLESTON & G. K. PULLUM The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge University Press, pp. 71-212.
KEARNS, K. 2000. Semantics. Hampshire & New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
ROTHSTEIN, S. D. (ed.) 2008. Theoretical and Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Semantics of Aspect. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
SAEED, J. I. 2016. Semantics. 4th Edition. Wiley Blackwell.
SALKIE, R. 2010. Will: tense or modal or both? English Language & Linguistics, 14 (2): 187-215.
SMITH, C. S. 1997. The Parameter of Aspect. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
TSANGALIDIS, A. 1999. WILL and THA: A Comparative Study of the Category Future. Thessaloniki: University Studio Press.
ΤΖΕΒΕΛΕΚΟΥ, Μ., Α. ΤΣΑΓΓΑΛΙΔΗΣ & Α. ΨΑΛΤΟΥ-JOYCEY. 2012. To χρονικό σύστημα της νέας ελληνικής: Μελέτες από τη σκοπιά της ελληνικής ως ξένης γλώσσας. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Πατάκη.
WILLIAMS, C. 2002. Non-progressive and progressive aspect in English. Fasano: Schena Editore.
ZIEGELER, D. 2006. Interfaces with English Aspect: Diachronic and Empirical Studies. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.