Learning Outcomes
After a successful examination in the course, students will be able to:
1. Understand issues of water resources pollution.
2. Understand issues of water resources organic pollution deriving from urban sewers.
3. Know the basic parameters of development and cultivation of microorganisms, used in wastewater treatment.
4. Know the basic physical and biochemical phenomena used in wastewater treatment.
5. Know to calculate a Wastewater Treatment Plant for a population equivalent of 10,000 inhabitants.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Wastewater legislation. Pollution. Pre-treatment. Primary treatment. Secondary treatment. Activated sludge. Biological filters. Tertiary treatment. Disinfection. Wastewater re-use. Sludge treatment and disposal. Natural systems for wastewater treatment of small communities and towns.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
«Μηχανική Υγρών Αποβλήτων. Επεξεργασία & επαναχρησιμοποίηση, τόμος Α» των Metcalf & Eddy, μετάφρ: Αθ. Κούγκολος, ISBN: 960-418-109-2, 1η έκδοση, έτος έκδοσης 2006, εκδόσεις Τζιόλα