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Curriculum Vitae
Alexandros Chatzipetros
Assistant Professor, School of Geology
Personal Information
Scopus ID
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Researcher ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Νεοτεκτονική και Παλαιοσεισμολογία
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Επιστήμη του περιβάλλοντος
Φυσικές επιστήμες
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Τμήμα Γεωλογίας
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Τμήμα Γεωλογίας
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2018–19 academic year
GGG 105Y
Introduction to Geology
GGG 537Y
Structural Geology
GGG 764E
GGN 699Ε
Field Exercises
GGN 771E
Didactics of Geology
GGN 899Ε
Field Exercises
Geology & Geochemistry
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
Lazos Ilias. "Συμβολή στη μελέτη ενεργών ρηγμάτων του ελληνικού χώρου με χρήση γεωδαιτικών μεθόδων".
Anastasiadou Vasiliki. Ρήγματα στον αστικό ιστό της Θεσσαλονίκης και η σεισμική επικινδυνότητα τους,
Karamitros Ioannis. "Applications of terrestrial laser scanning technology in Structural Geology"
Chatzopoulou Maria. "Μορφοτεκτονική μελέτη του βορείου ρηξιγενούς περιθωρίου της λεκάνης των Σερρών".
Administrative Work
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Head, Επιτροπή Βιβλιοθήκης
Member, Επιτροπή Οργάνωσης Διαλέξεων-Σεμιναρίων-Ομιλιών
Member, Επιτροπή Νησίδας, Δικτύου Η/Υ, Ιστοσελίδας Διαδικτύου
Research Projects
Συνέδριο: "9ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο και Θερινό σχολείο της INQUA για την Παλαιοσεισμολογία, την ενεργό τεκτονική και την αρχαιοσεισμολογία"
Δράση Α: Ενίσχυση Νέων Ερευνητών στη Βαθμίδα του Λέκτορα: Βαθμονόμηση ενεργότητας ρηγμάτων στη Μακεδονία και τη Θράκη
Σεισμοτεκτονική έρευνα περιοχής φράγματος Αλμωπαίου
Εκτίμηση ενεργότητας ρηγμάτων κατά μήκος της διαδρομής του αγωγού TAP (Βόρεια Ελλάδα)
Journal Article
Roumelioti Zafeiria
Kiratzi Anastasia
Margaris B
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Simulation of strong ground motion on near-fault rock outcrop for engineering purposes: the case of the city of Xanthi (northern Greece)
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering
Vol.15 no.1 p.25–49
Journal Article
Kazakis Nerantzis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Kaprara M
Mitrakas Manassis
Vargemezis Georgios
Voudouris Konstantinos
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Kalaitzidou K
Filippidis Anestis
: An interdisciplinary study in Anthemountas basin, N. Greece
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
Tsodoulos Ioannis M
Caputo Riccardo
Koukouvelas Ioannis
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Pavlides Spyros
Gallousi Christina
Papachristodoulou Christina
Ioannides Konstantinos
Middle–Late Holocene earthquake history of the Gyrtoni Fault, Central Greece: Insight from optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and paleoseismology
vol.687 no.C p.14-27
Conference Proceedings Article
Kazakis Nerantzis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Kaprara E
Mitrakas Manassis
Vargemezis Georgios
Voudouris Konstantinos
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Kalaitzidou K
Filippidis Anestis
Potential Toxic Elements (PTEs) in ground and spring waters, soils and sediments
14th International Conference of the Geological Society of Greece
14th International Conference of the Geological Society of Greece
Thessaloniki - Greece
Book Chapter
Kiratzi Anastasia
Roumelioti Zafeiria
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Papathanasiou Georgios
Simulation of Off-Fault Surface Effects from Historical Earthquakes: The Case of the City of Thessaloniki (Northern Greece)
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory
τομ.5 p.957-963
Journal Article
Kalogirou E.M
Tsapanos Theodoros
Karakostas Theodoros
Marinos Vasileios
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Ground fissures in the area of Mavropigi village (N. Greece): seismotectonics or mining activity?
Acta Geophysica
vol.62 no.6 p.1387-1412
Vacchi Matteo
Rovere Alessio
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Zouros Nickolas
Firppo Marco
An updated database of Holocene relative sea level changes in NE Aegean Sea
Quaternary International
Vol. 328–329 p.301–310
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Μέλφος Βασίλειος
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Χατζηπέτρος Αλέξανδρος
Journal Article
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Kiratzi Anastasia
Sboras Sotiris
Zouros Nickolas
Pavlidis Spyridon
Active faulting in the north-eastern Aegean islands
vol.597-598 p.106-122
Pavlidis Spyridon
Papathanasiou Georgios
Valkaniotis Sotiris
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Sboras Sotiris
Caputo Riccardo
Rock-falls and liquefaction related phenomena triggered by the June 8, 2008, Mw=6.4 earthquake in NW Peloponnesus, Greece
Annals of Geophysics
vol.56 no.6
Sboras S
Pavlidis Spyridon
Caputo R
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Michailidou A
Valkaniotis S
Papathanasiou Georgios
The use of geological data to improve SHA estimates in Greece
Bolletino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata
Conference Announcement
Kiratzi Anastasia
Klimis Nikolaos
Papathanasiou Georgios
Christaras Vasileios
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Pavlidis Spyridon
Theodoulidis Nikolaos
Margaris Vasileios
Makra Konstantia
Savvaidis Alexandros
Roumelioti Zafeiria
, et al
Towards a classification of site conditions in Greece based on their geological and geophysical characteristics
International Conference of Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering From Case History to Practice
Istanbul - Turkey
Koukouvelas Ioannis
Kremastas Evangelos
Tsodoulos Ioannis
Pavlidis Spyridon
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Valkaniotis Sotiris
Papathanassiou George
Caputo Riccardo
New insights from palaeoseismological trench across the Gyrtoni fault (central Greece): Comparison with other Aegean faults
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013
Vienna - Austria
Tsodoulos Ioannis
Papachristodoulou C
Stamoulis Konstantinos
Ioannides Konstantinos
Pavlidis Spyridon
Caputo Riccardo
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Koukouvelas Ioannis
Kremastas Evangelos
The Principal Component Analysis of X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Data as a Tool for Paleo-seismic Research
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013
Vienna - Austria
Journal Article
Zouros N
Pavlidis Spyridon
Soulakellis N
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Vasileiadou K
Valiakos I
Mpentana K
Using Active Fault Studies for Raising Public Awareness and Sensitisation on Seismic Hazard: A Case Study from Lesvos Petrified Forest Geopark, NE Aegean Sea, Greece
vol.3 no.4 p.317-327
Journal Article
Christaras Vasileios
Syridis Georgios
Papathanasiou Georgios
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Mavrommatis Theodoros
Pavlidis Spyridon
Evaluating the triggering factors of the rockfalls of 16th and 21st December 2009 in Nea Fokea, Chalkidiki, Northern Greece
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.XLIII no.3 p.1131-1137
Christaras Vasileios
Papathanasiou Georgios
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Mavrommatis Theodoros
Pavlidis Spyridon
Evaluating the triggering factors of the rock falls of 16th and 21st December 2009 in Nea Fokea, Chalkidiki, Northern Greece
Bulletin of Geological Society of Greece
vol.XLIII no.3 p.1131-1137
Papathanasiou Georgios
Valkaniotis S
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Pavlidis Spyridon
Liquefaction susceptibility map of Greece
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.XLIII no.3 p.1383-1392
Papathanasiou Georgios
Valkaniotis S
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Rockfall susceptibility zoning and evaluation of rockfall hazard at the foothill of Orliagas Mountain, Greece
Scientific Annals of the School of Geology,Auth
vol.99 p.165-171
Pavlidis Spyridon
Caputo R
Sboras S
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Papathanasiou Georgios
Valkaniotis S
The Greek catalogue of active faults and database of seismogenic sources
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.XLIII no.1 p.486-494
Book Editing
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Melfos Vasilios
Marchev P
Lakova I
Abstracts volume of the XIX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-26 September 2010
Geologica Balcanica
Official Journal of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association
vol.39 no.1-2 p.435
Christofidis Georgios
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Kostopoulos Dimitrios
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Proceedings of the XIX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association September 23-26, 2010 Thessaloniki,Greece
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Sciences
vol.Special volume 100 p.549
Conference Proceedings Article
Pavlidis Spyridon
Vavelidis Michail
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Geological-structural study at the archaeological site of Mikri-Doxipara burial mount
Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting and Horses and Wagons in the ancient world
Scientific Meeting and Horses and Wagons in the ancient world
Orestiada, Greece
Παυλίδης Σπυρίδων
Βαβελίδης Μιχαήλ
Χατζηπέτρος Αλέξανδρος
Γεωλογική-τεκτονική έρευνα στον αρχαιολογικό χώρο του ταφικού τύμβου της Μικρής Δοξιπάρας-Ζώνης
Άλογα και άμαξες στον αρχαίο κόσμο: Πρακτικά επιστημονικής συνάντησης
Άλογα και άμαξες στον αρχαίο κόσμο
(ed.) Τριαντάφυλλος, Δ., Τερζοπούλου, Δ
Ορεστιάδα, Ελλάδα
Conference Proceedings Article
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Pavlidis Spyridon
A rare case of preserved earthquake ruptures in an archaeological site: Mikri Doxipara – Zoni, NE Greece
Proceedings of 1st INQUA/IGCP-567 International Meeting on Earthquake Archaeology and Palaeoseismology
1st INQUA/IGCP-567 International Meeting on Earthquake Archaeology and Palaeoseismology
Baelo Claudia, Spain
Pavlidis Spyridon
Tsapanos Theodoros
Zouros N
Sboras S
Koravos G
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Using active fault data for assessing seismic hazard: a case study from NE Aegean Sea, Greece
Proceedings of the XVII International Conference on Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering, Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Satellite Conference
XVII International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Satellite Conference
Alexandria, Egypt
Zouros N
Pavlidis Spyridon
Soulakellis N
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Vasileiadou Krinoula
Valiakos I
Bentana K
Using active faults for raising public awareness and sensitization on seismic hazard: a case study from Lesvos geopark, NE Aegean Sea, Greece
Proceedings of the VIII European Geoparks Conference
VIII European Geoparks Conference
Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal
Journal Article
Kürçer Akın
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Tutkun Salih Zeki
Pavlidis Spyridon
Ateş Özkan
Valkaniotis Sotiris
The Yenice – Gönen active fault (NW Turkey): active tectonics and paleoseismology
Published Version
vol.453 no.1-4 p.263-275
Conference Proceedings Article
Pavlidis Spyridon
Valkaniotis S
Papathanasiou Georgios
Sboras S
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Surface effects of the strong June 8, 2008, NW Peloponnese earthquake
3o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αντισεισμικής Μηχανικής και Τεχνικής Σεισμολογίας
3o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αντισεισμικής Μηχανικής και Τεχνικής Σεισμολογίας
Αθήνα, Ελλάδα
vol. 2110
Pavlidis Spyridon
Valkaniotis S
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Seismically capable faults of Greece and their use in seismic hazard assessment
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
Thessaloniki, Greece
Pavlidis Spyridon
Tsoukala Evangelia
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Chatzopoulou A
Melfos Vasileios
Vasileiadou M. K
Lazaridis Georgios
Vaxevanopoulos M
The Maronia cave in the nummulitic limestone (Thrace, Greece): Geology and Palaeontology
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Speleology (ICS)
14th International Congress of Speleology (ICS)
(ed.) Petreas, Ch
Athens, Greece
Zervopoulou A
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Tsiokos L
Syridis Georgios
Pavlidis Spyridon
Non-seismic surface faulting: the Peraia fault case study (Thessaloniki, N. Greece)
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
Thessaloniki, Greece
vol.Paper 1610
Conference Proceedings Article
Pavlidis Spyridon
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Galli E
Interpreting myths: Atlantis in the framework of catastrophism and actualism
International Conference of "The Atlantis hypothesis: searching for a lost land"
International Conference of "The Atlantis hypothesis: searching for a lost land"
Milos island, Greece
Journal Article
Pavlidis Spyridon
Caputo Riccardo
Koukouvelas Ioannis
Kokkalas Sotiris
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Paleoseismological investigations of Aegean-type active faults
Geological Society of America Special Paper
Published Version
vol.409 p.175-188 2006
Book Chapter
Pavlidis Spyridon
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Tutkun S. Z
Özaksoy V
Dogan B
Evidence for late Holocene activity along the seismogenic fault of the 1999 Izmit, Turkey, earthquake, NW Turkey
Tectonic Development of the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Publishing House Unit 7, Brassmill Enterprise Centre Brassmill Lane Bath BA1 3JN,UK
Geological Society London
vol.260 p.635-647
Pavlidis Spyridon
Caputo R
Koukouvelas I
Kokkalas S
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Paleoseismological investigations of Aegean-type active faults
Postcollisional tectonics and magmatism in the Mediterranean region and Asia
Geological Society of America, Special Paper
vol.409 p.175-188
Journal Article
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Kokkalas S
Pavlidis Spyridon
Koukouvelas I
Paleoseismic data and their implication for active deformation in Greece
Journal of Geodynamics
vol.40 no.2-3 p.170-188
Melfos Vasilios
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Hatzopoulou A
Vasileiadou A
Lazaridis Georgios
Vaxevanopoulos M
Syridis Georgios
Tsoukala Evangelia
Pavidis S
Geological, petrological, paleontological study at the Maronia Cave in the Eocene, Nummulitic Limestone in Western Thrace
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.XXXVII p.153-167
Pavlidis Spyridon
Valkaniotis S
Kϋrçer A
Papathanasiou Georgios
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Neotectonics of Samothraki island (NE Aegean, Greece) in relation to the North Anatolian fault )
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.37 p.19-28
Μιχαηλίδης Α
Χατζηπέτρος Αλέξανδρος
Παυλίδης Σπυρίδων
Quantitative analysis - tectonic geomorphology indicators of the faults at the region of Stratoni - Varvara Vomati - M. Panagia in Eastern Chalkidiki
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.38 p.14-29
Χατζηπέτρος Αλέξανδρος
Μιχαηλίδου Α
Τσάπανος Θεόδωρος
Παυλίδης Σπυρίδων
Morphotectonics and seismotectonics of th Stratoni - Barbara and Gomati - Megali Panagia active fault (Eastern Chalkidiki, northern Greece)
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.37 p.127-142
Book Editing
Caputo R
Chatzipetros A
Papadopoulos G
Ground effects of large morphogenic earthquakes
Journal of Geodynamics
vol.40 no.2-3 p.113-354-113-354
Conference Proceedings Article
Ζούρος Ν
Χατζηπέτρος Αλέξανδρος
Παυλίδης Σπυρίδων
Συμβολή στη μελέτη των επιφανειακών εδαφικών ρωγμώσεων της λεκάνης της Λάρισας (Ανατολική Θεσσαλία)
Πρακτικά 3ου Συνεδρίου Ανάπτυξης της Θεσσαλίας
3ο Συνέδριο Ανάπτυξης της Θεσσαλίας
Book Editing
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Pavlidis Spyridon
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 14-20April 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece
International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 2004
vol.1-3 p.1625
Conference Proceedings Article
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Pavlidis Spyridon
Mourouzidou O
Re-evaluation of Holocene earthquake activity in Mygdonia basin, Greece, based on new paleoseismological results
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 14-20April 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece
(eds) Chatzipetros, A., Pavlides, S
International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 2004
vol.2 p.920-923
Kokkalas S
Koukouvelas I
Pavlidis Spyridon
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Evidence of paleoseismicity in Greece – some case studies for understanding active fault behaviour
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 14-20April 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece
5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology
Thessaloniki, Greece
vol.2 p.931-934
Pavlidis Spyridon
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Tutkun Z
Özaksoy V
Paleoseismological indications for Holocene earthquake activity along the 1999 Izmit, Turkey, earthquake rupture
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology
5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology
Thessaloniki, Greece
Pavlidis Spyridon
Chatzipetros Alexandros
The 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology (5th ISEMG): bringing together earth scientists from around the globe
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 14-20April 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece
vol.1 p.i-iv
Journal Article
Ioannides K
Papachristodoulou C
Stamoulis K
Karamanis D
Pavlidis Spyridon
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Karakala E
Soil gas radon: a tool for exploring active fault zones
Applied Radiation and Isotopes
vol.59 no.2-3 p.205-213
Conference Proceedings Article
Pavlidis Spyridon
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Caputo R
Earthquake fault ruptures of the broader Aegean region as quantitative input to seismic hazard assessment
Proceedings of the Hokudan International Symposium and School on Active Faulting
International Symposium and School on Active Faulting
Hokudan, Japan
Pavlidis Spyridon
Caputo R
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Empirical relationships among earthquake magnitude, surface ruptures and maximum displacement in the broader Aegean region
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Geology of the Eastern Mediterranean
3rd International Conference on the Geology of the Eastern Mediterranean
Nicosia, Cyprus
Journal Article
Pavlidis Spyridon
Zouros N. C
Fang Z. J
Cheng S. P
Tranos Markos
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Geometry, kinematics and morphotectonics of the Yanqing-Huailai active faults (northern China)
vol.308 no.1-2 p.99-118
Conference Proceedings Article
Παυλίδης Σπυρίδων
Χατζηπέτρος Αλέξανδρος
Gountromichou Ch
Avgeropoulos P
Giannatos G
Vasios D
Morphotectonic criteria for the recognition of active faults in Arkitsa-Aghios Konstantinos-Kamena Vourla area
Πρακτικά του 5ου Πανελλήνιου Γεωγραφικού Συνέδριου
5ο Πανελλήνιο Γεωγραφικό Συνέδριο
Αθήνα, Ελλάδα
Journal Article
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Pavlidis Spyridon
Mountrakis Dimosthenis
Understanding the 13 May 1995 western Macedonia earthquake: a paleoseismological approach
Journal of Geodynamics
vol.26 no.2-4 p.327-339
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Pavlidis Spyridon
A quantitative morphotectonic approach to the study of active faults; Mygdonia basin, northern Greece
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.32 no.1 p.155-164
Mountrakis Dimosthenis
Pavlidis Spyridon
Zouros N
Astaras Theodoros
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Seismic fault geometry and kinematics of the 13 May 1995 western Macedonia (Greece) earthquake
Journal of Geodynamics
vol.26 no.2-4 p.175-196
Χρηστάρας Βασίλειος
Μουντράκης Δημοσθένης
Παυλίδης Σπυρίδων
Μακεδών Θωμάς
Zouros N
Dimitriou A
Χατζηπέτρος Αλέξανδρος
Engineering geological problems in the construction of the new national road Kozani-Larissa (Kozani-Rymnio section)
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.XXXII no.4 p.111-120
Conference Proceedings Article
Mountrakis Dimosthenis
Pavlidis Spyridon
Zouros N
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Kotsis E
The 13 May 1995 Kozani-Grevena earthquake: surface ruptures - neotectonic studies - structural danger
Proceedings of the International Conference: The 13 May Kozani-Grevena earthquake- Scientific and social aspects
International Conference: The 13 May Kozani-Grevena earthquake- Scientific and social aspects
Conference Proceedings Article
Pavlidis Spyridon
Mountrakis Dimosthenis
Zouros N
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Active fault geometry and kinematics in Greece: the Thessaloniki (Ms = 6.5, 1978) and Kozani-Grevena (Ms = 6.6, 1995) earthquakes-two case studies
Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress
30th International Geological Congress
Beijing, China
vol.5 p.73-86
Pavlidis Spyridon
Mountrakis Dimosthenis
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Zouros N
Kostopoulos Dimitrios
The Grevena-Kozani (May 13, 1995) earthquake, western Macedonia, Greece: seismogenic faulting in an "aseismic" area
Proceedings of the ESC 3rd Workshop: Statistical models and methods in seismology. Applications on prevention and forecasting of earthquakes
ESC 3rd Workshop: Statistical models and methods in seismology. Applications on prevention and forecasting of earthquakes
(eds) Papadopoulos, G., Makropoulos, K
Thera, Santorini, Greece
Journal Article
Mountrakis Dimosthenis
Pavlidis Spyridon
Zouros N
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Kostopoulos Dimitrios
The May 13, 1995 western Macedonia (Greece) earthquake. Preliminary results on the seismic fault geometry and kinematics
Bulletin of Geological Society of Greece
vol.6 p.112-121
Conference Proceedings Article
Mountrakis Dimosthenis
Pavlidis Spyridon
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Meletlidis S
Tranos Markos
Vougioukalakis G
Kilias Adamantios
Active deformation of Santorini
Proceedings of the 2nd workshop, EUR18161-The European laboratory volcanos/ Volcanic Risc
2nd workshop, EUR18161-The European laboratory volcanos/ Volcanic Risc
(eds) Casale, R., Fytikas, M., Sigvaldasson, G., Vougioukalakis, G
Santorini, Greece
European Commision
Journal Article
Pavlidis Spyridon
Zouros Nikolaos
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Kostopoulos Dimitrios
Mountrakis Dimosthenis
The 13 May 1995 western Macedonia, Greece (Kozani Grevena) earthquake; preliminary results
Terra Nova
Published Version
vol.7 p.544-549
Journal Article
Cheng S
Fang Z
Pavlidis Spyridon
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Preliminary study of paleoseismicity of the southern Langada-Volvi basin margin fault zone, Thessaloniki, Greece
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.30 no.1 p.401-407
Conference Proceedings Article
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Pavlidis Spyridon
Late Quaternary fault scarps and paleoseismology of the active basin of Mygdonia, Thessaloniki seismogenic area, northern Greece
Proceedings of workshop on paleoseismology: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-568
Updated: 2018-10-12