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Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
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Curriculum Vitae
Georgios Palantzas
Laboratory Teaching Staff, School of Civil Engineering
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2017–18 academic year
Transport and Environment
Regional Development II
Courses of Spring semester of 2017–18 academic year
Transportation Systems
Transport and Environment
Organization and Management of Maritime Transport
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
No results were found.
Research Projects
Βελτιστοποίηση περιβαλλοντικής λειτουργίας και παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών.
Journal Article
Tromaras A
Palantzas Georgios
Naniopoulos Aristotelis
A stakeholder theory approach on environmental management for small Greek Ports: A case study of the three small ports of Volos, Kavala and Lagos
International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management
vol.3 no.1 p.23-44
Journal Article
Zafeirakou Antigoni
Palantzas Georgios
Samaras A
Koutitas Christoforos
Oil Spill Modeling Aiming at the Protection of Ports and Coastal Areas
Environmental Processes
vol.2 p.41-53
Conference Proceedings Article
Arvanitidou S
Zafeirakou Antigoni
Palantzas Georgios
Samaras A
Koutitas Christoforos
Optimization of oil spill combating stations along coastal basins
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning & Economics
Fifth International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning & Economics
Mykonos Island - Greece
Palantzas Georgios
Zafeirakou Antigoni
Samaras A
Karampas Theofanis
Koutitas Christoforos
The use of oil spill trajectory models in oil pollution incidents’ response
11th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography & Fisheries
Lesvos Island - Greece
Theofanis S
Naniopoulos Aristotelis
Palantzas Georgios
Boile M
Golias M
Developments, trends and new challenges In port environmental management – The COMPETE Project
Transportation Reseacrh Board, 94th Annual Meeting
Washington DC - USA
Journal Article
Palantzas Georgios
Naniopoulos Aristotelis
Koutitas Christoforos
Management of the environmental aspects of port activities. The Hellenic case study
International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management
Special Issue On: Maritime, Air, Rail and Public Transport in Europe [Υπό δημοσίευση]
Samaras A
Zafeirakou Antigoni
Palantzas Georgios
Koutitas Christoforos
Advances in operational oil spill modelling: Implications for the protection of the Black Sea Basin
Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute
vol.20 p.129-138
Zafeirakou Antigoni
Palantzas Georgios
Karampas Theofanis
Koutitas Christoforos
Optimization in oil slick combating stations allocation. Application to the sea of Azov
Global Nest Journal
vol.16 no.2 p.403-411
Conference Proceedings Article
Palantzas Georgios
Naniopoulos Aristotelis
Koutitas Christoforos
Port environmental regulatory framework
Fourth International Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment, Health and Development
Kos - Greece
Samaras A
Zafeirakou Antigoni
Palantzas Georgios
Koutitas Christoforos
Advances in operational oil spill modelling: Implications for the protection of the Black Sea Basin
Proceedings of the BSB Net-Eco International Conference: “Environmental aspects and available scientific tools for Black Sea Basin protection”
BSB Net ‐ Eco International Conference
Tulcea - Romania
Zafeirakou Antigoni
Palantzas Georgios
Samaras A.G
Koutitas Christoforos
The use of oil spill simulation in developing and applying oil pollution contingency plans in ports and coastal areas
12th International Conference Protection & Restoration of the Environment
Skiathos Island - Greece
Journal Article
Vafaki E
Palantzas Georgios
Protection of the health and safety of port workers exposed to air chemical agents at work
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 136
vol.136 p.249-259
Conference Proceedings Article
Παλάντζας Γ
Νανιόπουλος Α
Κουτίτας Χ
Περιβαλλοντικά ζητήματα των λιμενικών δραστηριοτήτων και διαχείρισή τους: Ελληνική πραγματικότητα και προοπτικές
5ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο: Έρευνα στις Μεταφορές
Βόλος, Ελλάδα
Conference Proceedings Article
Kontogiorgi C
Palantzas G
Naniopoulos A
Theocharis I
Implementation of an integrated environmental management system in the Piraeus port
Second International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 09) & SECOTOX Conference
Mykonos, Greece
Conference Proceedings Article
Naniopoulos A
Theofanis S
Mpoile M
Palantzas G
Advances in containerization: demand, supply & technology challenges ahead
10th International Conference MARDCON 10 “Container Transport: The future ahead"
Ain El Sokhna, Egypt
Palantzas G
Naniopoulos A
Koutitas Ch
User perception of ship-waste reception facilities and relevant charges. The Thessaloniki port case study
4th International Conference Port Development and Coastal Environment (PDCE'2007)
Varna, Bulgaria
Palantzas G
Dimitriou K
Koutitas C
Vafaki E
Naniopoulos A
Integrated dust management in commercial city-ports. A case study
10th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (10CEST)
Kos Island, Greece
Conference Proceedings Article
Naniopoulos A
Palantzas G
Koutitas Ch
Environmental management in ports the framework of sustainable development. The approach followed and achievements in Hellenic ports
22th International Port Conference
Alexandria, Egypt
Παλάντζας Γεώργιος
Κουτίτας Χριστόφορος
Νανιόπουλος Αριστοτέλης
Η εφαρμογή της Οδηγίας 2000/60/ΕΚ στους ελληνικούς λιμένες
8o Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Ωκεανογραφίας και Αλιείας
8o Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Ωκεανογραφίας και Αλιείας
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
Journal Article
Koutitas C
Palantzas Georgios
Spanoudakis E
A Combined Development Scheme for Coastal Areas Exposed to High Waves
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
vol.1 no.1 p.75-78
Naniopoulos A
Palantzas G
Nalmpantis D
Theodosiou P
The chain management of ship-generated waste and cargo residues in the port of Thessaloniki
Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering
Παλάντζας Γεώργιος
Κουτίτας Χριστόφορος
Κουτάντος Ε
Η Εφαρμογή της Οδηγίας 2000/60/ΕΚ στους ελληνικούς λιμένες
no.15 p.5-15
Conference Proceedings Article
Palantzas G
Wooldridge C
Naniopoulos A
Theofanis S
Boile M
European experiences in applying environmental management systems in ports: the case of PERS application in the ports of Thessaloniki and Piraeus Greece
2005 Summer Transportation Research Board Committee ADC60 Conference - Waste Management in Transportation
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Palantzas G
Kontogiorgi C
Naniopoulos A
Koutitas Ch
Nalmpantis D
Towards an integrated environmental management of the port of Piraeus
The 21st International Port Conference
Alexandria, Egypt
Updated: 2018-08-03