Faculty | Philosophy |
School | Philosophy and Education |
Qualification Awarded | Πτυχίο Φιλοσοφίας και Παιδαγωγικής (Ptychio of Philosophy and Education) (Degree in Philosophy and Education) |
Programme of Study | UPS School of Philosophy and Education (2011-today) |
Cycle / Level | 1st / Undergraduate |
Academic Year | 2023 - 2024 |
Status | Active |
Website | http://www.edlit.auth.gr |
Contact email | info@edlit.auth.gr |
ECTS / Workload | One ECTS unit corresponds to 25 hours of workload. |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
Π1000 | Introduction to Pedagogical Research | 6 | ELC |
Π3010 | Educational praxis II | 6 | ECD |
Π3019 | Educational leadership | 6 | ELC |
Π3029 | Social and emotional learning in education | 6 | ELC |
Π3030 | Teaching democracy and human rights in school | 6 | ELC |
Π3046 | Greek teachers' stories about their profession | 6 | ELC |
Φ406 | Mikis Theodorakis and the theory of Universal Harmony | 6 | FOCH |
Φ458 | Presocratic Philosophy | 6 | FOCH |
Φ465 | Topics in moral and social philosophy | 6 | FOCH |
Φ491 | Ī énnoia tīs ontotheologías ston Aristotélī kai ston CΗégkel | 6 | FOCH |
Φ492 | History of Social and Political Philosophy | 6 | FOCH |
Φ493 | Leibniz, New Essays on Human Understanding | 6 | FOCH |
Φ494 | The philosophy of Henry Corbin (1903-1978) | 6 | FOCH |
Φ496 | Hegel in Jena: the path to the system | 6 | FOCH |
Φ501 | Introduction to 20th Century French Philosophy | 6 | FOCH |
Φ502 | Philosophy of Sign in F. de Saussure and Successors | 6 | FOCH |
Φ504 | Modern Greek Philosophy | 6 | FOCH |
ΦΠ103 | Pedagogical models in the ancient and modern philosophical tradition | 6 | FOCH |