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Study Guide

SchoolPhilosophy and Education
Qualification AwardedMA in Educational Science
Programme of StudyPaidagōgikī Epistīmī: Eidikī Agōgī, Paidagōgikī tou Scholeíou, Synechizómenī Ekpaídeusī
Cycle / Level2nd / Postgraduate
Academic Year2019 - 2020
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 25 hours of workload.
MA in Educational Science
For access to the postgraduate programme of the Department of Education participation to an examination procedure in two core fields in Education (Educational Theory and Practice, Educational Research Methodology) and one of the three major fields (School Education, Continuing Education, Special Education), is required. All candidates are required to have substantive knowledge in at least one foreign language (preferably English and/or German and/or French). All candidates are required to hold a First (Bachelor) Degree (Ptychio) awarded by a Greek University or by a recognized foreign Institution of equivalent status or by a Higher Technological Education Institute (ATEI).
1. The Postgraduate Programme is divided into three specializations: Special Education, School Education and Continuing Education. All postgraduate students complete one (1) compulsory intensive seminar, two (2) common compulsory courses and six (6) compulsory specialization courses. Students should acquire 120 ECTS (1 ECTS stands for 25 working hours). Students specializing in School Education during the 2nd semester can choose 4 out of 5 elective specialization courses. Students specializing in School Education and Continuing Educationinstead of selecting a specialization course can select the course offered by the European Inter-university Postgraduate Programme in English.
Equivalency between courses and ECTS
Postgraduate students acquire:
a) 60 ECTS for successful study in intensive seminar and in compulsory courses: 5 ECTS for intensive seminar (1st semester), 10 ECTS for two common compulsory courses
(1st semester) and 45 ECTS for the offered specialization courses or 37,5 ECTS for the offered specialization courses and 7,5 for elective course (1st and 2nd semester).
b) 10 ECTS for"Independent Study" in the specialization of School education and Continuing Education: Graduate students write a research project under a professorf1 supervision. The research topic depends on their specialization.
c)20 ECTS for practicum in specialization of Special Education, and 10 ECTS for practicum in specialization of School Education and Continuing Education: Graduate students participate in practicum during 3rd semester in their specialization field.
i. Special Education:500 hours in schools and special education services.
ii. School education: 250 hours in Secondary Education, research centers and institutes.
iii. Continuing Education: 250 hours in research centers, continuing education and adult education services and institutes.
d) 40 ECTS for masterthesis.
2. There are eight (8) instruction hours per week in the first and the second semester. In the third semester students specializing in Special Education participate in practicum for 42 hours per week (40 hours in educational field+ 2 instruction hours to get feedback at the university). Students specializing in School Education and Continuing Education participate in practicum for 22 hours per week (20 hours in educational field+ 2 teaching hours to get feedback at the university).
Aim, objectives and anticipated learning outcomes of the Postgraduate Programme of Studies (EQF and NQF Level 7): By the end of their studies, graduate students are expected to have acquired all the learning outcomes that apply in Level 7 plus the following knowledge, skills and competences:
·Be aware of the depth, breadth, and interdisciplinary connections inherent in the discipline studied.
·Identify an important and relevant problem, issue, or question and states it in a way.
·Identify apparent and implicit limitations and implications of issue/object/work.
·Able to explain issues relevant to educational sciences.
·Acknowledge the influence of context for all fields of Educational practice.
·Know how to state a clear and insightful conclusion from research or analysis of an issue.
·Demonstrate a solid understanding of theoretical and applied dimension of Education
·Inquiry and analysis.
·Critical and reflective thinking.
·Communication through academic writing.
·Communication through academic debate.
·Problem solving.
·Curriculum planning and development.
·Professional habits in practice.
·Research design and application.
·Data analysis (quantitative and qualitative)
·Respect the differences among people and ideas, and clarify articulate their own values.
·Demonstrate professional dispositions in varied educational settings with regard to a diversity of students and all members of the school community.
·Develop research -verified best practices, critical thinking, clear and thoughtful communication, creative expression, and honest open inquiry in designing, implementing, differentiating, assessing, and reflecting on effective theory and/or practice.
·Express a reasonable, clear position or hypothesis, stated or implied.
·Demonstrate complexity of thought and acceptance of ethnic, cultural and social diversity.
Teachers and educators in state and private secondary schools, in adult education and training structures and non-formal learning environments, educational planners, evaluators and researchers in all educational settings and institutions.
The Second-cycle Degree (Metaptychiako Diploma Eidikefsis) awarded by the School of Philosophy and Education, entitles holders to participate -after they are successfuly selected- to a Doctoral Research Programme of Studies leading to the award of daktoriko DiplomaThird-cycle degree of specialization) equivalent to a PhD ctorateegree.
A scale of 1 to 10 applies to the grading of each subject in the Hellenic Higher Education. The grading scheme for the qualification of the Postgraduate Study Program has the following distribution:
·Άριστα (Arista) Excellent: 8.50-10.00
·Λίαν Καλώς (Lian Kalos) Very Good: 6.50-8.49
·Καλώς (Kalos) Good: 6.00-6.49
Minimum passing grade for receiving the postgraduate degree: 6
Τwo (2) academic years, equivalent to 120 ECTS. Total time duration in academic semesters: 4 semesters
Georgios Zografidis