Learning Outcomes
Understanding the fundamentals of physical and more specifically thermal processes.
Understanding the principles of heat exchangers, boilers and steam generation facilities.
Studying the various types of heat exchangers and boilers used in industrial and building applications.
Performing a detailed design study of heat exchangers.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction to mechanical and thermal processes. Principles of heat transfer (conduction, convection in steady state conditions) and of thermodynamics in single-phase heat exchangers.
Heat exchangers: description, classification, standardization.
Steam boilers: description, dimensioning, fuel consumption, efficiency.
Burners for big steam boilers; fuel preparation and combustion.
Radiative heat exchangers, calculation and dimensioning.
Boilers' efficiency: reduction of losses, optimization of operation and of efficiency.
Additional bibliography for study
Σημειώσεις του μαθήματος.
Heat Transfer Enhancement of Heat Exchangers, Editors: S. Kakaç, A. E. Bergles, F. Mayinger, H. Yüncü, ISBN: 978-94-015-9159-1 (Online)